
Online Job Searching Has Doubled Since 2005

December 23, 2015


U.S. job seekers are as likely to look for jobs online as they are to rely on friends and other contacts for connections to the job market, according to a recently released survey.

The survey on the job search methods of 2,001 U.S. adults by the Pew Research Center found that a majority of Americans (54 percent) have researched jobs on the Internet, and nearly as many (45 percent) have applied for a job online. That’s more than double the number from 2005, when 26 percent of Americans told Pew they had used the Internet to look for jobs.

Of recent job seekers—defined as the 34 percent of Americans who’ve looked for a job in the last two years—79 percent reported using resources or information they found online, while 80 percent used professional contacts and personal connections to find work.

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