
Viewpoint: Why Millennials Hate Waiting and What HR Can Do About It

March 6, 2019


Imagine you are standing in line at a grocery store, and the line is deep and going nowhere. Your fellow shoppers are shifting impatiently from side to side while incessantly checking the time. Along comes “Type A” shopper, demanding service: “Are there any cashiers around? I don’t have all day.” You wonder, “Exactly why is he so special?”

This scene is not unlike one that often plays out in the workplace. While there’s universal disdain for waiting in line until the next career move, Millennials have the lowest threshold for the associated pain. After all, they’ve grown up in the express line, where instant gratification is the norm. With an average job tenure of 12 to 18 months and less loyalty to an employer than previous generations had, Millennials are fully prepared to move on if promotions are delayed.

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