The enchanting archipelago of Seychelles is taking proactive steps to revolutionize its tourism sector by launching a comprehensive Human Resources Development Strategy. With the tourism industry being a cornerstone of the nation’s economy, this forward-thinking initiative seeks to address the critical challenges and systemic issues faced by its workforce. The strategy, which has been crafted with contributions from United Nations Tourism, embodies a realistic overview of the current HR landscape and acts as a roadmap to enhance the skill set and productivity of local talent.
During an intense series of workshops across the islands of Mahe, Praslin, and La Digue, stakeholders from various facets of the industry convened to dissect and deliberate on the draft strategy. The collaborative spirit of these meetings was evident, with the draft receiving overwhelming validation from the attendees. This crucial step underpins the strategy’s strength and readiness to be refined with valuable feedback from those who operate on the tourism frontlines.
Team Tourism Seychelles, a unified coalition of private and public sector bodies, training institutions, and industry associations, stands poised to undertake the implementation of this strategy post-parliamentary approval. This collective begins a pivotal journey toward transforming the tourism landscape, equipping the nation with the necessary tools to attract and retain high-caliber professionals. The imminent ratification and adoption of the strategy by the Seychelles Parliament will mark a significant milestone in fortifying the tourism workforce and sustaining the sector’s contributions to the national economy.