
Category: Software


There’s No Margin for Error in Cybersecurity — Here’s How to Build a Strong Online Defense through Everyday Habits

July 17, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

An average employee uses around 2.5 devices for work. So, imagine an organization with a thousand employees. That’s a whopping 2500 endpoints, or rather, 2500 different ways an attacker can breach your organization. Now, while IT and security teams are working tirelessly to keep […]


Make Your Company a Hard Target for Job Scams

July 2, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Your company’s talent is its lifeblood. Job postings for qualified individuals and other recruitment activities are vital to its operations. What happens, then, when scammers conduct phishing schemes to trick individuals into applying for nonexistent jobs you didn’t post with […]


AI in the Workplace: Crafting Policies for Employees’ Use of Generative AI

June 14, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in workplaces, providing new opportunities and new challenges for employers and employees. While AI has the potential to improve efficiency and productivity, its use also raises important questions around issues like privacy, discrimination, […]

Diversity & Inclusion, Software

Balancing the Scales: How Scheduling Software Promotes Workplace Equity

April 1, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Maintaining fairness and transparency in the workplace continues to be instrumental in meeting the expectations of a modern and socially conscious workforce. Research from Gartner predicts that in 2024, companies will shift DEI implementation to be less siloed and more […]


How to Use Cloud Technology to Streamline HR Processes

March 27, 2024

Via: HR Hero

HR workflows can be time-consuming, and that’s something businesses need to change, especially as demand for efficiency rises. Thankfully, cloud computing can help. Cloud solutions have overwhelmingly exceeded expectations in HR departments already using them. At the same time, cloud […]


Are Any Jobs Safe from AI?

February 9, 2024

Via: HR Hero

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, its potential to perform tasks typically done by humans grows exponentially. From automating routine tasks to analyzing complex data, AI’s capabilities are reshaping the workforce. However, even as AI improves, there are certain […]


Artificial Intelligence Use Continues to Rise in Employment

February 1, 2024

Via: HR Hero

As 2023 wound down, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by employers showed no sign of slowing down. Rather, you should prepare for an increased use and presence of AI in employment decision-making, as well as employee engagement. Intersection of […]


How Generative AI Is Influencing the Future of Work

January 19, 2024

Via: Spark

During the recent ADP virtual summit, Insights in Action: Unlocking the Data-Driven Potential of People at Work, experts and leaders from various industries weighed in on key trends affecting work today, tomorrow and beyond. One of the most engaging discussions […]


HR Perspectives: Top Human Resources Trends for 2024

January 9, 2024

Via: HR Hero

For Human Resources executives, the new year arrives amid a slew of contradicting trends. Revenue streams are flowing steadily for many businesses, yet their company stock performances have underwhelmed. Despite perceptions of a weakened economy, firms are struggling to fill […]


The Employees Secretly Using Generative AI at Work and Why Employers Should Care

December 27, 2023

Via: HR Hero

The rise in sophistication and availability of generative AI tools has opened up immense potential for humans to make their lives easier by shifting some of their tasks to such tools. And that potential certainly extends to the workplace where […]


AI-enhanced CVs perform better in selection

December 13, 2023

Via: Personnel Today

Recruitment agency Oriel Partners collected 100 “real” CVs for a specific role in its own firm and used ChatGPT to enhance them in relation to the job description. It then compared the AI-enhanced CVs with the original ones to see […]


AI in HR: 3 Trends Leaders Should Monitor in 2024

December 12, 2023

Via: Spark

AI is empowering HR leaders to make faster, more informed decisions about people and processes. Looking ahead to 2024, it’s clear that the technology will continue to evolve and influence the ever-changing workplace of tomorrow. This article explores three related […]


Microsoft, AFL-CIO partner on workplace AI

December 11, 2023

Via: HR Dive

With its billion-dollar investment in OpenAI, developer of generative AI platform ChatGPT, Microsoft could be viewed as a natural partner for labor organizations like AFL-CIO looking to help workers adjust to the changes wrought by AI. But the announcement also […]


HR and talent in the era of AI

November 13, 2023

Via: HR Dive

The emergence of generative AI and foundation models has revolutionized the way businesses, across industries, operate at this current inflection point. This is especially true in the HR function, which has been pushed to the forefront of the new AI […]


How AI Is Being Used to Increase Transparency and Accountability in the Workplace

November 7, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

In an age where information flows freely but trust seems to be dwindling, transparency within organizations has never been more critical. It’s the cornerstone of trust, collaboration and meaningful engagement among employees, clients and stakeholders. However, achieving complete transparency is […]


Global Payroll Services: Challenges, Solutions and Best Practices

November 3, 2023

Via: Spark

Efficient and compliant global payroll services are now table stakes for international organizations. To retain staff and build a positive market reputation, enterprises need payroll processes that ensure employees are paid accurately and on time every time. As ADP’s Global […]


Virtual Reality is the Future of Employee Training

October 24, 2023

Via: HR Hero

From operating an oil rig in the middle of the ocean to active shooter drills, much of the cost, complexity, and danger in training can be reduced or eliminated by incorporating VR technology. Traditional training methods require classrooms with paid […]


3 Ways Conversational AI Can Help You with Strategic Recruitment

October 23, 2023

Via: HR Hero

It seems like Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all over the news these days. ChatGPT seemed to take the world by storm in 2023, and there’s no indication that the AI craze is going to loosen up any time soon. In […]


Leveraging Collaboration Software for Remote and Hybrid Work

October 11, 2023

Via: HR Hero

Our world has turned decidedly digital and, in this environment, the way we work and communicate has experienced a seismic shift driven largely by pandemic experiences. No longer confined by physical workspaces, interactions have expanded beyond four walls, creating new […]


Ensuring Compliance and Security in a Remote Work Environment

September 22, 2023

Via: HR Hero

It’s an understatement to say that the pandemic experience has changed the business—and workplace—landscape forever. The shift to remote and hybrid work is not temporary as business leaders once believed. It’s here to stay. With this shift comes risk—and an […]