
Category: Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion

Rachel Reeves: this is how you fix the UK’s gender pay gap

July 26, 2024

Via: Personnel Today

I know it’s early days for the new government, but it has made some big promises. It has vowed to grow the UK’s economy, boost its international presence, shake up employees’ rights, economic inactivity, drive a nationwide revival and fix […]

Diversity & Inclusion

Equity Out, Civility In?

July 25, 2024

Via: HR Hero

After the surprise move that sent shockwaves through the HR industry when SHRM removed “equity” from its IE&D program, SHRM President Johnny C. Taylor Jr. cited people’s “confusion” around equity’s meaning as the reason for removing it, in a recent […]

Diversity & Inclusion

EEOC Issues Final Harassment Guidance

July 19, 2024

Via: HR Hero

On April 29, 2024, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued its final harassment guidance, updating the previous version with Bostock, #MeToo, and remote work issues. The most controversial guidance involves broad protections of LGBTQ+ employees, especially transgender employees, which […]

Diversity & Inclusion

Honeywell employee fired for skipping DEI training has no bias claim, 7th Circuit affirms

July 11, 2024

Via: HR Dive

The 7th Circuit’s decision comes at a time of intense scrutiny of organizational diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, as acknowledged just weeks ago by speakers at the Society for Human Resource Management’s annual conference in Chicago. DEI backlash has come […]

Diversity & Inclusion

People with bipolar facing stigma at work

July 10, 2024

Via: Personnel Today

A survey conducted by charity Bipolar UK found that poor workplace culture and understanding of bipolar is limiting individuals’ participation at work, with nearly three-quarters (72%) not applying for a particular job and 44% not going for a promotion because […]

Diversity & Inclusion

The Business Case for Inclusion and Diversity in the Workplace

July 9, 2024

Via: Spark

In today’s global economy, inclusion and diversity are not just moral imperatives but critical drivers of business success. A commitment to inclusion and diversity in the workplace can enhance an organization’s performance, foster innovation and strengthen its market presence, underscoring […]

Diversity & Inclusion

Do You Perpetuate Harm Against Your LGBTQIA+ Employees — and Sabotage Your Organization’s Success in the Process?

June 26, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

In recent years, companies have taken steps to create more inclusive workplaces for LGBTQIA+ employees. But let’s be real — many still face discrimination, aggression and a lack of genuine support from leadership. One major roadblock? Low-conscious leaders who haven’t […]

Diversity & Inclusion

How fostering DEI can improve safety and reduce workplace injury risks

June 13, 2024

Via: HR Dive

Workplace injury prevention programs that incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion principles can reduce worker risks and create a culture of safety, according to a June 10 report from the National Safety Council. Different workplace factors can lead to inequitable outcomes, […]

Diversity & Inclusion

DEIB Starts at the Job Posting

May 30, 2024

Via: HR Hero

In the bustling marketplace of job opportunities, where companies vie for top talent, the job posting stands as the initial handshake—an introduction that can either captivate or repel potential candidates. But beyond the standard qualifications and responsibilities, there lies a […]

Diversity & Inclusion

Pay Equity and Merit Increases: Optimally Aligning Processes

May 30, 2024

Via: HR Hero

For many, merit increase season is coming to a close. Often, pay equity related increases are coordinated with the merit cycle. But reviewing pay equity after merit increases are finalized provides opportunities to: Counter any potential bias that might occur […]

Diversity & Inclusion

De-prioritization, Rollback and Rumors — What’s the Truth About Inclusion Efforts at Work?

May 22, 2024

Via: Spark

In the wake of legislative developments and movements claiming DE&I efforts may negatively affect merit-based promotions or create challenges in work or educational environments, leaders are left wondering what place DE&I efforts still have in the workplace. DE&I at work […]

Diversity & Inclusion

How Organizations Must Build DEI Programs Fit for 2024

May 6, 2024

Via: HR Hero

As organizations navigate the landscape of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) today, their focus has shifted from simply defining DEI and reiterating its importance to focusing on how to successfully measure and achieve its intended outcome: fostering an environment where […]

Diversity & Inclusion

HR Query: 4 Tips for Hiring Autistic Workers

April 29, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Did you know that 35% of 18-year-olds with autism attend college, but 85% of college graduates with autism are under-employed or unemployed? Furthermore, more than 1 million people with autism in the U.S. will reach adulthood in the next decade. […]

Diversity & Inclusion

Attacks on DEI Increase

April 11, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Corporate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs continue to face new challenges after the Supreme Court’s decision last year banning explicit use of race in admissions to higher education—SFFA v. Harvard/UNC. It’s important to recognize that although the Court’s decision […]

Diversity & Inclusion

A court blocked an ‘anti-woke’ law in Florida. What does that mean for HR?

April 10, 2024

Via: HR Dive

Last month, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s ruling that Florida’s HB7 law, also called the “anti-woke” law, violated the First Amendment. “This isn’t a final ruling, but as of now, the law cannot be […]

Diversity & Inclusion

Government launches new disability guide with CIPD

April 10, 2024

Via: Personnel Today

The new Disability Confident guide was produced in conjunction with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). The DWP said it forms part of its £2.5 billion Back to Work plan – a broader push to get more people […]

Diversity & Inclusion, Software

Balancing the Scales: How Scheduling Software Promotes Workplace Equity

April 1, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Maintaining fairness and transparency in the workplace continues to be instrumental in meeting the expectations of a modern and socially conscious workforce. Research from Gartner predicts that in 2024, companies will shift DEI implementation to be less siloed and more […]

Diversity & Inclusion, Research

White men targeted by harassment more likely to report race and gender bias, survey finds

March 27, 2024

Via: HR Dive

“Of course, the takeaway is not that we should increase harassment toward white men,” Cech said in the university’s article discussing the study findings. “Rather, white men who have had the unfortunate experience of being bullied or threatened at work […]

Diversity & Inclusion

Unveiling the Future of Inclusion for HR Leaders

March 18, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Imagine a world where inclusivity isn’t just an HR buzzword, but the heartbeat of corporate success. This isn’t a utopian fantasy—it’s the vision sculpted by Parul Kapoor, Senior Vice President, Talent and Culture, at Calix, according to her interview with […]

Diversity & Inclusion

Fostering inclusion for women in the workplace

March 11, 2024

Via: HR Dive

Women have made significant gains in the workplace, notching a record high 77.8% labor force participation in mid-2023 after experiencing the highest rate of job losses early in the pandemic. Remote work has played a large factor in this success, […]