
Tag: Fitness

Workplace wellness

3 Trends that Will Shape the Future of Corporate Fitness

August 9, 2021

Via: HR Hero

We’re beginning to see what the future of the workplace might look like: hybrid work schedules; more Zoom and Teams; and, in some cases, fewer people in the office. And, as the workplace changes, so, too, will corporate fitness. During […]

Workplace wellness

It’s a New Day for Employee Well-Being Options

April 7, 2021

Via: HR Hero

Perceptions of personal and community health and well-being have shifted dramatically since World Health Day 2020. For one thing, people are more aware of their personal health and the impact their decisions have on the broader community. And the options […]

Workplace wellness

In 2019, Resolve to Make Fitness Easy for Employees

January 18, 2019

Via: HR Hero

The dawning of a new year is the perfect time to make a fresh start, and chances are, many people in your office are using this opportunity to renew their commitment to fitness and a healthy lifestyle. They want to […]

Workplace wellness

For Workplace Fitness, On-Demand Is in Demand

November 8, 2018

Via: HR Hero

From lighter, faster shoes to Fitbit-style activity trackers, technology has long had an impact on our fitness habits. But now, technology is also becoming an important factor in where, when, and how we choose to exercise. As personal technology becomes […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

9 Reasons Why Encouraging Fitness in the Office is Beneficial

October 14, 2016


It’s a fact that hiring people is [relatively] easy, but retaining them is a totally different story. As the time passes you’ll learn that no one cares about your business as much as you do and nor they’ll work hard […]