
Tag: health and safety

Workplace wellness

Mental health represented half of work-related illnesses last year

December 7, 2022

Via: Personnel Today

Mental illness accounted for 914,000 new or long-standing ill health cases last year, and was the most common category of work-related sickness, the HSE’s report says, accounting for 51% of cases. Industries with higher than average rates of work-related stress, […]


Union calls for maximum workplace temperature as heatwave takes hold

July 18, 2022

Via: Personnel Today

The union has joined the TUC in calling for a legal limit on how hot it can be in a workplace as forecasters predict a record high of 41 degrees celsius in England and the Met Office issues a red […]


Ukraine and Russia: HR must play key role in risk management

March 8, 2022

Via: Personnel Today

Employees of multinational firms remaining in Russia have been advised by global health and security consultancy International SOS that they face considerable risks. Mick Sharp, chief operating officer, security services at the firm, told Personnel Today that these individuals should […]

Workplace wellness

Older Workers Leading COVID-Era Jobs Exodus

January 6, 2022

Via: HR Hero

The labor shortage employers are currently facing is obvious to anyone who’s recently eaten out at a restaurant or visited a retail store. Slow service, “help wanted” signs, and even businesses that are temporarily closed due to a lack of […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate—That Is The Question

July 9, 2021

Via: HR Hero

More than half of all people in the United States (53.8%) have now been vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While still a far cry from the 70% goal President Joe Biden had predicted, it […]

Workplace wellness

How to Return to Physical Workspaces if We Don’t Reach Herd Immunity

June 28, 2021

Via: HR Hero

COVID-19 has pitted health and safety against the well-being of people and organizations. Keeping communities safe has meant sacrificing so much, and the pains of the past year have been twofold: Businesses have been forced to close or become remote, […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

COVID-19 Training for Employees

April 30, 2021

Via: HR Hero

As more and more organizations bring employees back on-site, including those that always kept employees on-site, we must continue to be aware of COVID-19 and what it means for employers and employees as the economy picks back up. In particular, […]

Research, Software

Return-to-Work Takeaways from the NBA Bubble

November 4, 2020

Via: HR Hero

On Sunday, October 11, 2020, the Los Angeles Lakers won their 17th NBA championship by defeating the Miami Heat in the 6th game of the NBA Finals. Because (for some reason) the Lakers count 5 titles won while the team […]

Development & Evaluation

HR Considerations for Bringing Employees Back to the Workplace

October 7, 2020

Via: HR Hero

When the COVID-19 virus started making headlines at the start of 2020, American observers watched as the disease spread beyond the borders of China and started impacting specific regions of the United States. As the numbers of domestic infections continued […]

Workplace wellness

How to Navigate COVID-19 Protocols to Ensure Health and Safety in the Workplace

October 5, 2020

Via: HR Hero

As some employees return from working remotely and others continue to work from their facility, there are many regulations and policies that managers and supervisors need to instate to ensure employee health and safety. New federal, state, and local health […]

Workplace wellness

COVID-19 Crisis Stirs Up Lots of Wage and Hour Issues

August 26, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Wage and hour compliance is an area that can trip up even the most diligent employers under the best of circumstances—let alone during a global pandemic when you’re trying to keep employees healthy, safe, and employed. While the health and […]

Research, Software, Workplace wellness

4 Key Considerations for Relocation Today

June 23, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Employers everywhere are implementing “back to the office” policies to protect workforce health and well-being and reassure employees they will be safe when returning to work. Most of this effort focuses on getting employees back to the offices they left […]

Research, Software

3 Ways to Stay True to Your Company’s Soul in COVID-19 Crisis

May 18, 2020

Via: HR Hero

As much as the coronavirus has conspired to keep us apart, it’s also brought us together. Lockdowns and social distancing cannot suppress the humanity and spirit shining through in what has become a global fight—a battle we all have a […]

Research, Software

3 Ways HR Is Defining the New Normal

April 30, 2020

Via: HR Hero

The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a tragic toll from a human and public health standpoint, along with causing massive business disruption, resulting in some businesses shutting down completely. In contrast, others have had to rapidly expand service teams and ramp […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement, Workplace wellness

How HR Can Do Home Risk Assessments

April 16, 2020

Via: HR Hero

While the trend of working from home has risen drastically in recent years, recent events have seen an unparalleled shift in remote work. Indeed, working from home has many benefits, including a healthy work/life balance, reduced to no commute, and […]

Workplace wellness

Employer’s Coronavirus checklist

March 2, 2020

Via: HR Examiner

Here’s a quick checklist for HR and employers planning for employee exposure and illness from the coronavirus. It’s essential to review your policies and resources and make sure you are prepared if people need to stay home, the company has […]

Research, Software

Opioid Crisis: Keeping the Workplace Drug-Free and ADA Compliant

May 31, 2018

Via: HR Hero

The opioid epidemic is affecting workplaces across the country. Because opioids can be lawfully prescribed (but are increasingly abused), employers must tread carefully when taking adverse action against opioid users to avoid running afoul of the Americans with Disabilities Act […]