
Tag: millennials

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Keeping Younger Workers Engaged

March 31, 2023

Via: HR Hero

Managers and HR professionals have no doubt heard of the engagement crisis alleged to have infected Millennials and Generation Z in the workplace, as manifested in terms like “quiet quitting.” Of course, workers in any age group can and certainly […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Understanding What Drives Younger Workers

February 22, 2023

Via: HR Hero

Very few things remain static in the business world, and the character and personality of the collective workforce is not one of them. Different generations have different lived experiences, expectations and values, all of which contribute to what drives them […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

The Normalization of Job Hopping

August 4, 2022

Via: HR Hero

Workers no longer expect to stay with companies for their lifetimes. In fact, it’s increasingly common for employees to stick around for as little as a year before moving on to a new role, where they also expect to have […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

The 5 Things Gen Z Is Looking for in a Job and Career

July 12, 2022

Via: Entrepreneur

Gen Z has officially taken the place of Millennials as the largest generation. Generation Z includes people born after 1996 and currently encompasses 32% of the global population and 11% of the workforce. And these numbers are rapidly growing — […]


Back to the Office or Still Working from Home?

July 16, 2021

Via: Natalie Dunn

As the COVID-19 pandemic took the world by storm, industries and companies everywhere needed to adapt to new anxieties, new rules, and new schedules. Working remotely soon became not only possible for many, but actually probable for most. However, with […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

HR’s Thoughts on Balancing Company Culture and National Culture

March 25, 2021

Via: HR Hero

“Culture” is a word that, in the world of HR, means company culture. But sometimes, a nation’s, a region’s, or an ethnicity’s culture becomes an important part of how HR maintains its company culture. Today’s “Faces of HR” guest has […]

Research, Software

What Do Jobseeking Gen Zs Want from an Employer?

September 28, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Move over, Millennials! There’s a younger generation making its way into the workforce, and before you know it, people will be complaining about all the things Gen Z ruined, taking the heat off of Millennials once and for all. With […]

Communication, Software

Collaboration Can Positively Impact Your Company’s Culture and Bottom Line

June 19, 2020

Via: HR Hero

The average American spends one-third of his or her life at work. The environment in which these workers spend their time will largely dictate the quality of their professional life—a fact becoming increasingly important to job candidates. According to a […]

Research, Software

OK, Workforce: Millennials vs. Boomers

April 24, 2020

Via: HR Hero

As an HR professional, you know it is illegal to discriminate against a person due to his or her age or other protected statuses, like race, gender, religion, etc., but as the workforce continues to comprise multiple generations, it may […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Generational Hiring: Wants, Needs, and Everything in Between

January 21, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Gen Zs, Millennials, Gen Xers, and Boomers—these are the generations that make up the modern workplace. Each generation is unique in its own way, and because of this, you must make sure your recruiting strategies are designed to attract the […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Should You Worry About Training Employees Out of Your Company?

December 18, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Training employees is a crucial means of making them more effective and productive, as well as reducing risk. But many employers fear that spending money on training employees will make them more attractive candidates in the labor market, thereby making […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Recruiting for a New Generation

December 6, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Each member of Generation Z is different from the workers who came before, which makes it critical for recruiters to consider new approaches and apply them to the ways they attract and acquire talent. Having grown up surrounded by new […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Training Gen Z: What Makes This Generation Tick?

November 14, 2019

Via: HR Hero

It doesn’t seem like that long ago that employers were trying to wrap their heads around Millennials, those born between the early 1980s and the turn of the 21st century. Indeed, many employers are still trying to find ways to […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Make Room for AI in Your Training Budgets in 2020

October 24, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Artificial intelligence (AI) is sweeping the nation! So much so that almost half (45%) of U.S. employers say they plan to increase employee training budgets as AI and automation change the nature of some jobs and create opportunities for new […]

Research, Software

3 Next-Level Management Tips to Create a Better Workplace in 2020

October 16, 2019

Via: Omega HR Solutions

The only thing constant is change. Though some aspects of business success are built upon bedrock principles that were detailed decades ago, you can’t stop evolving. There are new business models. There is new technology. And there needs to be […]

Research, Software

No Lack of Stress Among Millennials

September 19, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Burnout, a syndrome stemming from workplace stress, has, at one time or another, affected virtually the entire U.S. workforce. Lhasa OMS recently did a study of 2,010 young Americans, with the goal of learning more about their stress levels at […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

5 Ways to Keep Millennials Engaged in Your L&D Programs

September 13, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Millennials want better learning and development (L&D) opportunities and experiences at work. In fact, offering engaging L&D programs is usually cited as being the number one way to retain Millennials long term. But unfortunately, many L&D professionals don’t know exactly […]

Workplace wellness

What Color Choice Can Do for Your Workforce

September 10, 2019

Via: Workforce

Boosting productivity and wellness is a challenge for which organizations are looking to more creative solutions. Color choice of the office is one relatively simple yet impactful tool that organizations from hospitality to tech are implementing to elevate the level […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

How to Personalize Your Onboarding Initiatives for Millennials

September 9, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Millennials are now the largest generation in the U.S. workforce. And personalized onboarding training is becoming critical to keeping them engaged and retained long term. If you’re interested in retaining your Millennial employees longer, here are a few ways you […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement, Workplace wellness

Workplaces Becoming a Stage for Corporate and Social Movements

August 5, 2019

Via: Workforce

In an era in which making your voice heard is more possible than ever, employees are empowering themselves and one another to incite real change in their workplaces. A recent study conducted by global communications firm Weber Shandwick, in partnership […]