
Tag: survey


SHRM Research: HR Gets Mixed Report Card for 2021 Performance

February 17, 2022


HRdepartments in the U.S. received passing grades for their overall 2021 workplace performance—mostly B’s and C’s. A majority of workers agreed their organizations did a good job dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and other health care issues, according to the […]


What Questions Will Candidates Ask?

March 3, 2021

Via: HR Hero

A recent survey by Zety of 500 professionals yielded some interesting results. It sought to understand the most common questions interviewers expected candidates to ask, as well as the most common questions asked by interviewers. The results also explored some […]

Research, Software

78% of Jobseekers Say They Want to Work for Diverse Companies

December 11, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Just because there’s a global pandemic taking place doesn’t mean your diversity efforts should take a back seat. New survey findings released by SurveyMonkey reveal jobseeker sentiments on the candidate experience in the hiring process, and one thing is clear: […]

Research, Software

Employers Predict Most Furloughed Workers Will Return by Q1 2021

August 10, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Were you one of the many employers that brought workers back in late spring, only to furlough or lay them off in early summer due to rising rates of the coronavirus? If so, you’re not alone, but now that your […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Leveraging Lunch and Learns to Boost Analytics Skills

July 24, 2020

Via: HR Hero

“Data, data everywhere and not a thought to think” is a quote that has been attributed to John Allen Paulos, a professor of mathematics at Temple University. It’s a sentiment that is increasingly apt. We are surrounded by data of […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Remote Work as a Key Job Skill

July 20, 2020

Via: HR Hero

With the sudden and ongoing shift to remote work for millions of American employees, many are starting to speculate that working from home (WFH) may be part of the “new normal” in a post-COVID world, even after the necessity of […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Global Assignments Boost Employee Development

July 17, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Despite COVID-19, there is still a push for global mobility, and companies are taking advantage of the trend by expanding their operations and markets internationally. As they do, opportunities emerge for employees to take on global assignments that many find […]

Research, Software

Is Work from Home Here to Stay?

July 6, 2020

Via: HR Hero

One of the most visible and tangible COVID-19 business impacts for many employees is the complete shift to working from home. According to survey results published by Willis Towers Watson on May 21, 2020, roughly three-quarters of employers adjusted their […]

Research, Software

Understanding the Unemployed: COVID-19’s Impact on the Workforce

July 1, 2020

Via: HR Hero

By now, your company or organization is making efforts to bring workers back on the job as states and cities lift stay-at-home orders and start phasing in the “relaunch” of the American economy. Many experts have said that workers are […]

Research, Software

61% of Employers Have Applied for Federal COVID-19 Relief, Finds Survey

June 11, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Over the last few months, employers across the country have taken a massive hit to their bottom lines in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, the federal government stepped up and created new laws for struggling businesses, […]

Research, Software

Can Your Organization Survive Another Round of COVID-19?

June 3, 2020

Via: HR Hero

The summer months are a time to hit the beach, take a break, and enjoy the warm weather but because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 summer will be anything but relaxing. As employers welcome back workers and stay-at-home orders […]

Research, Software

Remote work may be a lasting change in the post-pandemic world, WTW says

May 27, 2020

Via: HR Dive

As states and cities reopen after mass shutdowns, employees say they remain concerned about exposure to COVID-19 on the job, an April survey from Eagle Hill Consulting revealed, and many employers have made changes to accommodate those worries. In the […]

Development & Evaluation, Research, Software

We Should Have Been More Prepared for the Remote Work Era

May 21, 2020

Via: HR Hero

What will the future of work look like in the wake of the pandemic? That’s the question on a lot of people’s minds. Cheryl Cran, founder of NextMapping, is a future-of-work expert who spent years getting organizations future-ready. We discussed […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention, Engagement

Excelling at Engagement with Effective Employee Recognition Programs

May 14, 2020

Via: HR Hero

With the shift to remote work for a large majority of the country altering expectations and experiences amid the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations that do not recognize their employees through an incentive or a reward program should strongly consider developing one—particularly […]

Research, Software

Understanding the Impact of Coronavirus on Mental Well-Being

May 7, 2020

Via: HR Hero

The impacts of isolation have been well studied. While the relationship between being alone and feeling mentally unwell can be a complex one, generally speaking, those who are prone to depression often find that loneliness exacerbates the situation. Additionally, just […]

Research, Software

Most Employees Satisfied with Their Organization’s COVID-19 Response

April 27, 2020

Via: HR Hero

New research from Robert Half US sought to understand how employees feel about their employer’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The results were surprising, with 95% of employees feeling at least somewhat satisfied about how their employers have handled the […]

Research, Software

Employees Are Pulling All-Nighters for Work at Alarming Rates

February 20, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Sleep deprivation is rampant in the United States and causes many health issues. Some experts, such as, state that 70% of the U.S. population gets an insufficient amount of sleep at least once a month. The effects of that […]

Research, Software

Increase in Caregiving Benefits Beyond the Requirements of the Law

February 19, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Caregiving benefits are on the rise. A recent survey shows that the majority of employers in the United States are increasing paid leave benefits. That includes expanding existing benefits, adding new benefits, broadening eligibility, and more. The survey, called Large […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention, Research, Software

Indeed: Create a culture of confidence to boost retention, productivity

February 10, 2020

Via: HR Dive

Despite the rise of technology in the workplace, research shows employers have placed great value on soft skills — including confidence — in recent years. A confident workforce, as Indeed notes, can be resilient, productive and loyal. The workplace may […]

Research, Software

Most employers say they treat workers with dignity, but employees disagree

February 7, 2020

Via: HR Dive

Based on Willis Towers Watson’s research and similar studies, employers are recognizing that a lack of dignity is a problem in the workplace and must be addressed with culture adjustments or overhauls. In fact, 90% of professionals in a 2019 […]