
Tag: analytics


Are Skills Becoming More Important Than Jobs in Hiring?

June 9, 2023

Via: Natalie Dunn

According to a recent Deloitte survey, companies in the US and abroad are already shifting to a new approach in hiring. The quantitative and qualitative research focused on how various businesses around the world are approaching the transition to skills-based […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

How HR Teams Can Leverage Data to Prepare for the Hybrid Workforce

February 18, 2021

Via: HR Hero

It’s hard to believe we’re almost a year into the pandemic, which also means a year of working from home. Working from home has taught us many lessons about productivity, efficiency, employee resilience, and company culture. It’s also taught us […]

Research, Software

5 ways hiring will feel more, not less, human in 2030

March 9, 2020

Via: HR Dive

While 2030 may feel like something out of science fiction, recruiting will likely look more human than android. Trends such as using artificial intelligence and cloud technology to curate candidate analytics are on the horizon, experts said. But any new […]

Research, Software

What is People Science?

October 22, 2019

Via: HR Hero

From an employer and HR standpoint, people science refers to the process of using data about the workforce to make better decisions about the people in it. Basically, it uses both data and analytics about the people in the organization […]

Research, Software

What Doesn’t Quite Work

June 25, 2019

Via: HR Examiner

The biggest problems with HR analytics, and intelligent software boils down to one thing. The behavior of people in organizations is not like Jeopardy, Chess, Go, Marketing funnels, Autonomous cars, or other problems with a relatively finite set of answers. […]

Research, Software

4 Insights Analytics Can Deliver From Your Recruitment Software

January 23, 2019

Via: HR Morning

It’s a job-seeker’s market right now, and hiring and recruiting are more complicated than ever. Those difficulties go beyond just finding the right person for the specific opening you have. What about candidates who are well-suited to your company, not […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development, Research, Software

Why Aren’t We Asking These Questions in HR?

March 1, 2018

Via: HR Examiner

The workplace is changing rapidly, right in front of us. Driven by Moore’s Law, the relationship between our people and their technology is reshaping the way that work gets done, the way we interact with the HR Tech System, how […]

Research, Software

Are You Doing Analytics Or Just Reporting Data?

January 19, 2018

Via: Ere Media

Many HR software packages include built-in analytics. This is a good thing, some data is better than no data. However, as HR gets more sophisticated, we need to move beyond accepting a vendor’s claim about built-in analytics and understand exactly […]

Research, Software

Analytics Is Not Better HR Reporting

December 7, 2017

Via: Ere Media

We’ve all recognized there is a certain hype and faddishness in people analytics. That’s okay; it’s bound to be part of anything new. We’ve all rushed forward trying to get a handle on what’s real, what’s exaggerated, and how best […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

5 Steps to Selecting a High Value Predictive Workforce Project

October 20, 2017

Via: Ere Media

Note: KPIs, analytics, predictive analytics — we tend to use these terms interchangeably, but they’re not. They overlap, but progressively more skill is needed as you move along the analytics continuum. If you are thinking of a first analytics project, […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Don’t Confuse KPIs and Analytics

October 13, 2017

Via: Ere Media

Some companies tell me about their plans for people analytics and soon it becomes apparent that their mandate is something difference: they’ve been asked to report KPIs. The difference between analytics and KPIs can be illustrated by how they think […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation, Employee development, Software

What the CEO Wants From HR But Isn’t Getting

October 5, 2017

Via: Ere Media

It goes without saying that successful HR functions are strategic. They play a vocal role in critical business decisions and directly manage or impact a majority of most companies’ expenses. Indeed, in today’s resource-competitive environment, CEOs are increasingly looking for […]

Research, Software

The Difference Tech Is Making In Benefits Analysis

January 11, 2017

Via: Ere Media

We live in an era of digital transformation, and digital HR has become the new normal. Take it from HR visionary Josh Bersin: “Today we want HR technology that delivers a great employee experience and makes our work-life more productive […]

Research, Software

5 Benefits of a Data-Driven Recruitment Strategy

December 9, 2016

Via: Blogging4Jobs

Although overall job gains have slowed, according to 2016 JOLTS (Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey) there continues to be more job openings than hires being made. Companies cannot hire fast enough to keep up with their workforce demands and […]

Research, Software

Analytics Are a Decision Maker’s Best Friend

July 29, 2016

Via: Chief Learning Officer

Organizations that apply data-driven decision making out-perform their competitors — period. Yet, there is a significant gap between intent and action regarding organizational workforce analytics programs. According to Bersin by Deloitte’s 2015 “Global Human Capital Trends” report, 75 percent of […]