
Tag: Corporate Social Responsibility

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Supporting Employee Volunteerism

April 4, 2024

Via: HR Hero

In recent years, workplace volunteering has emerged as a key area of focus in the realm of corporate social responsibility, with an impressive 84% of companies in 2022 offering flexible scheduling or paid time off to support their employees’ volunteer […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

The Real-World Impact of Workplace Ethics

March 1, 2022


COVID-19 has forced many ethical considerations to the forefront of HR. Whether confronting issues related to vaccinations, masking, employee retention or mental health, making decisions based on ethics is a daily chore for many HR professionals. Here are four considerations […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

How Companies Can Embed Purpose in Their Employees for Higher Retention

December 2, 2019

Via: Workforce

Millennials are now the largest generation in the U.S. workforce, but they’re increasingly unhappy at their jobs. According to the 2019 Deloitte Global Millennial Survey, 49 percent of millennials would quit their current jobs in the next two years if […]

Research, Software

Companies Have to Be Better People to Get Great People

November 25, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Two Supreme Court decisions from 2010 and 2014 gave freedoms and powers to corporations that had until then been reserved for individuals within the United States. The long and short of those decisions have been encapsulated in a common phrase: […]

Workplace wellness

Employees Literally All in With Corporate Social Responsibility

May 9, 2019

Via: Workforce

Score a perfect 100 for corporate social responsibility. CSAA Insurance Group announced that the company achieved a 100 percent employee volunteerism rate in 2018. All 3,800 employees, including executive leadership, donated a total of 47,045 hours through the company’s 609 […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Why Companies Should Be Dedicated to Philanthropy

November 7, 2018

Via: HR Hero

Giving back to the community is a personal initiative for many, but it should also be at the strategic core of every business. Organizations of all sizes can benefit from the opportunities that philanthropic activity generates. For example, a 2017 […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

The Rise of the Caring Companies: Building Corporate Culture and Community by Giving Back

March 30, 2018

Via: HR Hero

Over the past few years, a trend in charitable giving has emerged across the nation. While individual charitable giving has decreased, corporate giving—both employee volunteerism and more traditional grants and monetary donations—has grown, with smart companies leveraging purpose-driven corporate social […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement, Workplace wellness

5 Types of Mindfulness Training to Improve Productivity and Engagement

September 25, 2017

Via: Spark

Different types of mindfulness training may help you more effectively reach a cross section of your organization with stress reduction training. The must-read book for HR leaders, “Mindful Work: How Meditation Is Changing Business from the Inside Out” by David […]

Workplace wellness

Improve Employee Morale and Save Money by Going Green

July 26, 2016

Via: Entrepreneur

“Going green” is by no means a modern movement, but technology has certainly modernized our approach to sustainability. Solar panels, hybrid vehicles and energy-efficient appliances have become normal aspects of life in many parts of the world. And though none of […]