
Tag: culture


Dell’s New Remote Work Policy Sparks Debate

July 25, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Computer technology company Dell has made headlines for its new work-from-home policy. According to the policy, fully remote employees will no longer be eligible for promotions. There is an exception, however, for hybrid workers (i.e., those who spend three days […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Your Behavior (Not Your Logo) Is Your Brand. Here’s How to Promote Employee Behaviors That Drive Results.

October 12, 2022

Via: Entrepreneur

Among the brands you admire most, there are probably some kick-ass logos and color palettes. Visual identity is important — but visual identity isn’t what turns would-be customers into raving fans. The secret to building loyal brand advocates is employee […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Is Your Check Culture Light On?

August 23, 2022

Via: HR Hero

There is a lot of talk surrounding company culture, which is important. A company’s culture is the revving engine behind any successful organization. Keeping with the motor metaphor, companies like to discuss what type of ‘engine’ they want powering their […]


Digital Transformation and HR: Playing a Role, Making an Impact

June 21, 2022


“Digital transformation” is a phrase that’s tossed around a lot these days. But what does it mean? And, specifically, what does it mean for HR professionals? There’s a good chance that digital transformation efforts are taking place in your organization. […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Learn the C.O.R.E. Four Principals That Boost Employee Happiness and Sales

June 16, 2022

Via: Entrepreneur

A company with a magnetizing culture not only brings in the best players but holds onto them. A healthy work environment with team members that are content, increases productivity while offering extra time off and increasing revenue. That means more […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development, Research

Overcoming the Great Transition: What’s Next for HR in 2022

December 22, 2021

Via: HR Hero

The last two years have been tough for HR departments, from navigating the pandemic to this year’s great transition. The stress from last year still lingers for many teams and continues to impact work today. Even as HR professionals face […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Remote Work and the Evolution of the Workplace

November 18, 2021


We have witnessed tremendous change in the workplace since the lockdowns imposed in early 2020 due to the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us were new to the world of remote work and the drastic changes we were forced to […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

7 Essential Qualities for a Positive Team Culture

October 15, 2021

Via: HR Hero

One of the most common questions my clients ask me is how I keep my teams so positive. Culture is unique to each organization, and culture is people. Within each company is a unique culture defined by the people within […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Looking at the ‘10 Facets of Workplace Diversity and Inclusion’

October 14, 2021

Via: HR Hero

When people think of “diversity and inclusion” (D&I), invariably their minds immediately go to racial and ethnic identity, with gender likely coming in a relatively close second. Indeed, both the presence and the inclusion of women and people of color […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

How Leaders Can Build a Culture That Has Substance and Drives Success

October 1, 2021

Via: HR Hero

We all talk about company culture and have a general sense of what it is, but coming up with a clear definition can be difficult. Some will describe culture as the personality of an organization or the way people interact […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Post-Covid Strategies for Rebuilding a Resilient Workplace Culture

September 2, 2021

Via: HR Hero

The past year has seen a massive shift in how work gets done around the world. As a result, organizational performance and workplace culture have become mission-critical issues that are now top of mind for every business leader. I’ve mentored […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

5 Ways to Stay Connected to Your Team While Working Remotely

August 31, 2021

Via: HR Hero

Being digitally connected doesn’t necessarily mean that a team working remotely feels connected. Discover five simple strategies to bridge the gap and create a sense of community. remote worker teamworkThere’s certainly no denying that working remotely has a host of […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

The Future of the In-Person Office

July 22, 2021

Via: HR Hero

As the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, there is less and less of a need for employers to maintain the remote work policies many have had in place for well over a year. Still, employee expectations and preferences are pushing many employers […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Post-Pandemic Office Reorientation

June 8, 2021

Via: HR Hero

As staff start returning to the office, is it time for companies to consider implementing mandatory re­orientation programs? As the United States continues its nationwide vaccination efforts, states and cities across the country are starting to open up, relaxing capacity […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Maintaining, or Refining, Company Culture During and After the Pandemic

April 27, 2021

Via: HR Hero

A company’s “culture” is a complex concept. Company culture is undeniably important to any business, but it’s difficult to come up with a concise definition. It’s even harder to effectively and consciously steer that culture in one direction or another, […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

PGA’s Chief People Officer Seeks Diversity Gains in Business and on the Course

March 23, 2021

Via: HR Hero

When Sandy Cross, Chief People Officer of the PGA of America, focuses on inclusion and diversity topics, she’s not just thinking about employees of the golfers’ association. She’s also concentrating on the vendors the association relies on, the people out […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

How Finding the Right Culture Match Has Changed in Our Remote World

March 3, 2021

Via: HR Hero

The term “company culture” became a recruiting buzzword many years ago and has since turned into a key workplace factor. Start-ups and tech companies took it to the next level, innovating in the workplace to not only set the scene […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement, Research, Software

A Diverse Board Starts with Diverse Recruiting Practices

July 21, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Forbes magazine publisher Malcom Forbes once called diversity “the art of thinking independently together.” When it comes to having a diverse board of directors, Forbes’ words have never been truer. Boards thrive on diverse thinking, but this thinking only comes […]

Research, Software

Rooting Out Racism in the Workplace: Focusing on Hiring, Culture a Way to Start

June 12, 2020

Via: HR Hero

When the video of George Floyd handcuffed on the ground with a white Minneapolis police officer’s knee on his neck went viral, public outrage included claims of systemic racism in many law enforcement agencies. Those claims didn’t start with Floyd’s […]

Research, Software

The Importance of D&I in the Workplace

April 16, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Over the last few years, diversity and inclusion (D&I) have become indivisible parts of conversations about how to build a successful team and culture. Creating an environment that is inclusive to employees of all genders, backgrounds, and identities is important […]