
Tag: absences


Unemployment Benefits Denied for ‘No-Call/No-Show’ Employee

August 27, 2021

Via: HR Hero

The Michigan Court of Appeals recently upheld an Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) decision categorically disqualifying employees who are “no call, no shows” for three consecutive days from receiving jobless benefits under the Michigan Employment Security Act’s (MESA) voluntary-leaving provision. An […]


FMLA is Required HR Knowledge

March 30, 2021

Via: HR Hero

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave is a more complex topic than it may seem. Basically, for any eligible employee at a covered employer, up to 12 weeks of leave must be provided each year for a qualifying event […]

Workplace wellness

Addressing Employee Attendance Problems

March 13, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Do you find yourself dealing with a lot of employee absences? Employees need to take days off for a variety of reasons, but when it starts to feel excessive, it can cause workplace problems. There are several issues when employees […]

Workplace wellness

How to Deal with Workplace Attendance Problems

August 22, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Employee attendance problems are probably the most common reason for disciplinary action and discharge. Yet many employers pay surprisingly little attention to their attendance policies. I often see policies consisting of generic, vaguely worded language that looks like it has […]

Research, Software

Dealing with worker absences on election day

October 31, 2018

Via: HR Morning

Head’s up! Election Day is coming, and depending on which state your facility is located, you may be required to give workers notice about their voting rights and provide paid or unpaid time off to vote. California and New York […]

Workplace wellness

Here’s How Office Design Affects Employee Productivity

July 11, 2018

Via: HR Hero

Running a company is not as simple as it seems even if there is a streamlined process in place. You have a huge responsibility to cover all bases to steer it in the right direction. One of the most important […]

Research, Software

Can You Terminate an Employee on FMLA Leave?

June 5, 2018

Via: HR Hero

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides job-protected leave benefits. This generally means that when an employee qualifies for and takes FMLA leave, his or her job (or an equivalent) must be available to return to at the end […]