
Category: Communication

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Virtual Layoffs and Employee Rights – What are the Best Practices?

July 8, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Laying off employees in today’s business and legal environment can often feel like a minefield and a potential public relations nightmare for employers. Layoffs are by their nature a complex and sensitive process with significant legal implications, especially when employees […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Navigating Political Waters: Tips for Managing Political Discussions in the Workplace

July 2, 2024

Via: HR Hero

In 2024, around the world, more voters will be electing leaders of their countries than in any time in history. The temptation to discuss politics in the workplace will probably be at an all-time high, but these conversations are fraught […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Work Should Be a ‘No Politics’ Zone

June 25, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Institutions around the country are in turmoil, subject to loud clamoring about events in the Middle East. Many members of their communities are making claims of anti-Semitism, while there are counterclaims of Islamophobia. Public universities and institutions may have no […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace: How Managers Can Use Tools to Understand How to Address It

March 25, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Conflict. How does that word make you feel? In particular, how does conflict in the workplace make you feel? When we asked that question as part of a research project, many said that conflict made them feel anxious or stressed, […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

5 Continuous Improvement Techniques to Refine Recruitment Communications

March 14, 2024

Via: HR Hero

Finding the best talent for your company is more than a simple review of resumes to identify the most fitting qualifications. Recruiters are an important component of generating interest in open job positions and finding the perfect addition to your […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Employee Morale Is More Than Pep Talks and High Fives — Here’s How You Can Really Capture the Power of Team Spirit.

March 8, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

As the founder of a growing company, I’ve seen firsthand just how crucial team spirit is. In those early days of building our business, we faced all sorts of challenges. But one particular moment sticks out in my mind. We […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

How To Navigate Employee Termination Challenges Using Tech

February 8, 2024

Via: Spiceworks

Jordi Romero, CEO and co-founder of Factorial HR, explains the role of HR tech solutions in addressing employee termination challenges, providing insights on how technology can impact the future of work. Navigating the complexities of employee termination in the digital […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

5 tips to better manage difficult performance conversations

December 28, 2023

Via: HR Dive

Research conducted among hybrid teams shows that one-third of U.S. hybrid workers would like more one-on-one time with their managers to get feedback on their performance. This is all very well when feedback is positive; however, critical feedback is something […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Home for the holidays: Employees report declining interest in workplace social events

December 19, 2023

Via: HR Dive

The survey’s results may worry business leaders who have culture and engagement on their minds. “The link between workplace connections and job satisfaction is well documented,” the Visier team noted, pointing to an Eagle Hill survey finding that for 40% […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Reverse Bullying: When Managers Feel Intimidated by Their Subordinates

December 11, 2023


Managers have been well-trained on what discrimination, retaliation, harassment and bullying look and feel like in the workplace. But “reverse bullying” often gets short shrift, even though it is just as real. Subordinates have been known to “intimidate upward,” making […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

4 Strategies for Building a Diverse and Supportive Company Culture

October 31, 2023

Via: HR Hero

In the last few years, many companies have been placing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a higher priority, focusing on creating a company culture where anyone can feel comfortable and supported. Building this environment takes an empathetic approach and […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

An Employee Is Accused of Misconduct: What Should You Do?

October 18, 2023

Via: Spark

Take all complaints seriously Whether you receive a formal or informal complaint of employee misconduct, take all complaints seriously, regardless of who is involved. Encourage employees to report issues before they become severe or pervasive and without fear of retaliation. […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Halloween in the Workplace: 10 Do’s and Don’ts

October 16, 2023


For HR managers and employees alike, Halloween can be more of a trick than a treat. While workplace Halloween festivities can create an atmosphere that helps co-workers have fun and get to know each other, the fall holiday’s central themes […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

What to Do When Employees Make Employers the Enemy

October 9, 2023


Employees are resisting a return to the office. Labor strikes have been sweeping the U.S. Job candidates are ghosting recruiters. “HR is not your friend” is trending on TikTok. Right now, the climate in the workplace sure seems like it’s […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Why Good Leaders Go Bad

October 6, 2023

Via: HR Hero

Reliably, almost every hand shoots up. Enduring a jerk of a boss seems to be a workforce universal constant in every industry. This is reflected in popular culture in movies like Horrible Bosses and Horrible Bosses 2 and television shows […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

How to Respond When an Employee Badmouths You or Your Company

October 5, 2023


Ben Lamarche, general manager of Lock Search Group’s offices across Canada and in Boston, once found out that one of his 35 employees was badmouthing the company on an anonymous internal platform. Instead of immediately reacting and responding to the […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Canadian Workplaces Deal with Passive Aggression in the Workplace

September 13, 2023


Passive-aggressive behavior can hurt company culture and sometimes lead to harassment claims in Canada. This behavior is challenging for HR to investigate and stop. All team members should practice healthy communication, said Cheryl Cran, founder and CEO of Next Mapping, […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

5 in-demand leadership skills to empower future leaders

September 11, 2023

Via: HR Dive

Prioritize leadership development by helping employees become more effective and empowered. Learning and development is vital to any company wanting to build and retain top talent. According to the Harris Poll, 70% of employees would leave their current company for […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Managing Toxic Employees

September 6, 2023


In the midst of the pandemic, the Great Resignation shook the American workforce. Between April and September 2021, a record 24 million Americans resigned from their jobs. Employers were left desperate for staff, offering attractive signing bonuses and wage bumps. […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Do Your Employees Know How to Report Misconduct?

August 2, 2023


Workplace harassment happens in many U.S. workplaces, but most employees who witness or experience such misconduct do not report it to HR, according to a new report by software company HR Acuity, based in Florham Park, N.J. In a survey […]