
Tag: absenteeism

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

The Importance of Employee Resilience and How to Support Resilience in Your Team

May 23, 2023

Via: HR Hero

Resilience is one of those nebulous concepts that can be difficult to manage within a business setting. It’s seen as a personal thing, something that is within the remit of the individual alone. And while enhanced personal resilience is clearly […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

How To Create Flexible Childcare Benefits for Employees

December 23, 2022

Via: HR Hero

As you interview new candidates to fill open roles, what makes your organization stand out from the crowd? What about when you’re focusing on retaining your current employees? Or simply trying to boost morale? In a competitive labor market, finding […]


Court Restores Accommodation Claim for Employee with Pending Leave Request

August 30, 2022

Via: HR Hero

Once an employee requests an accommodation, their employer has a duty to engage in an “interactive process” to try to determine whether they can accommodate the disability. With that in mind, employers should take note of this recent decision from […]

Workplace wellness

Recertification Request Does Not Interference with FMLA Rights

February 16, 2022

Via: HR Hero

An employer’s request for medical recertification to establish eligibility for Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave didn’t violate the Act, the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals (which covers Arkansas) recently ruled. Missing 16 consecutive days rather than the […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Keeping an Eye on Employee Engagement

February 19, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Employee engagement is crucial to any organization’s success: Engaged employees are more productive, they produce higher-quality work, they have better overall morale, they have fewer issues with absenteeism, they are better teammates, and they have lower turnover. We’ve talked a […]