
Tag: Affordable Care Act

Research, Software

Affordable Care Act Wins and Losses

May 6, 2019

Via: Workforce

Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, fewer people are uninsured but the number of underinsured has spiked, especially among people covered by employer-sponsored health plans, according to a recent study. An estimated 44 million people who […]


Trump Administration Proposes Expanding HRA Use

October 25, 2018

Via: HR Hero

Federal regulators have proposed allowing employers to sponsor health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) for their employees to go purchase health coverage on the individual market—a practice that is currently prohibited under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The three-agency proposal, to be […]

Research, Software

ACA Compliance Remains a Concern for Employers

October 3, 2018

Via: Workforce

Employers may be receiving an unwanted letter in the mail, if they haven’t already. The final stage of the 2015 Affordable Care Act tracking and reporting process has hit employers in the form of penalty letters from the IRS. From […]

Research, Software

5 ACA Compliance Issues for HR Teams to Watch Out For

December 7, 2017

Via: Blogging4Jobs

Whatever your thoughts are about the Affordable Care Act, you can’t deny its tremendous impact on the health care industry and Americans in general. Since its implementation in 2010, 16.9 million people have gained coverage. Despite the 191 amendments presented […]

Research, Software

Health Care Plan Considerations for Midsized Businesses

October 3, 2016

Via: Spark

As health care compensation has become more complex with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and other considerations in play, smaller organizations are looking for ways to expand their offerings. While adding covered benefits increases the cost to the organization, the […]


IRS Extends Due Dates for ACA Information Reporting

December 30, 2015


Employers subject to the Affordable Care Act’s 2015 information reporting requirements now have extra time to give forms to employees and to file them with the government. In Notice 2016-4, issued by the IRS on Dec. 28, the agency extended […]