
Tag: brain

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

The Cognitive Science Behind Learning

December 23, 2016

Via: Chief Learning Officer

In most any profession, there is a body of knowledge that drives decisions. Whether it’s medicine-based physiology or flight in physics, practitioners need to understand what’s happening to make appropriate decisions. It’s the same with learning. To be able to […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Let’s Focus a Little Better

August 18, 2016

Via: Chief Learning Officer

Oh how I miss the days I would work on a task — writing a short story, drawing a portrait, for example — completely uninterrupted. I even seemed to (gasp!) listen to music in a similar fashion, sitting there, or […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Silence is Good for Your Brain

August 2, 2016

Via: Chief Learning Officer

In recent weeks, I’ve found myself waiting somewhere that I haven’t in months: The bus stop. Last week, I found myself waiting and then walking to ultimately wait some more, a total of about 35 minutes. It was worth with it when the […]