
Tag: Comp & Benefits

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Poor communication about pay may tank engagement

February 3, 2023

Via: HR Dive

Communication around pay is lagging,’s VP of compensation, Chris Fusco, concluded in a statement on the survey’s findings, “and employee engagement may be suffering because of it,” he said. Total compensation statements are one way to do that, experts […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

What you need to know about compliance

February 6, 2018

Via: HR Dive

Compliance is a big part of what HR does. And whether you’re new to the job or a seasoned pro, we’ve got something for you in today’s spotlight. If you’re closer to the former, I’d recommend starting at the beginning […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Employees want rewards accessible online and immediately

January 18, 2018

Via: HR Dive

The study refers to “consumers,” which is a broad term for buyers. But employers can apply the results to the way they market benefits and incentives to employees. As in the study, employers are looking at the importance of brand […]

Research, Software

Navigating 5 generations in the workforce

September 25, 2017

Via: HR Dive

For the first time in history, five generations will soon be working side-by-side. This poses one of the biggest challenges facing HR teams today. How do HR leaders fairly accommodate five generations with health benefits, wellness programs, worksite perks and […]


What employers can do to manage Type 2 diabetes in the workplace

September 22, 2017

Via: HR Dive

It’s estimated that over 30 million Americans — approximately 1 in 10 — have diabetes. About 1.25 million have Type 1 Diabetes, and the remainder have Type 2. Of the 30 million with diabetes, over 7 million have yet to […]

Research, Software

Employee healthcare premiums outpace employer contributions

September 20, 2017

Via: HR Dive

Continuing on a six-year run, annual employer-sponsored health insurance premiums for family coverage rose by an average of 3% this year to $18,764. The 2017 Employer Health Benefits Survey, a benchmark Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET) study, […]

Research, Software

Survey shows disconnect between employers, workers over wellness programs

January 17, 2017

Via: HR Dive

Employer decision-makers in a Transamerica Center for Health Studies’ survey saw continued positive growth in their wellness programs, reports Employee Benefit News, but the results also showed a disconnect between employers and employees in how each group views those programs. […]

Workplace wellness

Revitalizing an underperforming performance review process

September 20, 2016

Via: HR Dive

Performance reviews are well-intentioned. Done right, they offer the opportunity to guide employee development, increase engagement and improve business performance across functions. Too often, however, reviews are backward-looking discussions used to justify compensation decisions rather than a means to drive […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Why employee financial skills need a boost

July 21, 2016

Via: HR Dive

Employees who are lacking when it comes to managing their personal spending budgets are more likely to experience “unmanageable financial stress” than those who are more thrifty. Employers can help change that scenario, according to a new study. The study, […]