
Tag: equality

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Gender equality facing growing backlash from male managers

May 16, 2022

Via: Personnel Today

The poll found that 33% of men felt there was too much emphasis placed on achieving gender balance, compared to 13% of women. Almost half (47%) of female managers feel too little effort goes into gender equality. Two-thirds of managers […]

Workplace wellness

Moving Toward Equality: Fixing the Gender Pay Gap

November 10, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Gender pay discrepancies happen for a lot of reasons, some of which may seem legitimate on the surface. But regardless of how they occur, employers can be proactive in eliminating these discrepancies in their workplace. Here are a few actions […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Landing Safely on Pay Equity Issues

August 14, 2019

Via: Workforce

Like many people, I followed the recent incident on a Southwest Airlines flight when an engine exploded after taking off from New York’s LaGuardia Airport. At 32,000 feet, the engine explosion shattered a window and caused significant damage to the […]

Research, Software

A Limited Definition of Concerted Activity

April 1, 2019

Via: Workforce

Alstate Maintenance LLC staffs Kennedy International Airport with tipped baggage handlers. Two managers from Lufthansa asked a group of Alstate skycaps to assist a VIP soccer team with their baggage. A skycap stated to his Alstate manager, in front of […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement, Workplace wellness

Ensuring #MeToo Movement Advances Diversity in Leadership

February 28, 2019

Via: Workforce

Progress has been made in terms of women’s equality and protection over the past 10 years. In fact, it was recently the 10th anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the first bill signed into law by President Barack […]

Research, Software

Is Your Organization Rethinking Its Holiday Party This Year?

December 5, 2018

Via: Workforce

Indeed, according to the 2018 Holiday Party Survey (conducted by the appropriately named outplacement firm of Challenger, Gray & Christmas), 35 percent of employers do not plan to throw a holiday party this year, the lowest number since 2009. Given […]

Workplace wellness

Avoiding Pregnancy Discrimination in the Workplace

November 26, 2018

Via: Workforce

News broke in early 2018 that Walmart was facing a potential class-action lawsuit in New York for allegations of pregnancy discrimination. This lawsuit is one of several nationwide that claim that some of the nation’s largest businesses are systematically punishing […]