
Tag: Business Success

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

PGA’s Chief People Officer Seeks Diversity Gains in Business and on the Course

March 23, 2021

Via: HR Hero

When Sandy Cross, Chief People Officer of the PGA of America, focuses on inclusion and diversity topics, she’s not just thinking about employees of the golfers’ association. She’s also concentrating on the vendors the association relies on, the people out […]

Research, Software

Automation and Reskilling Are Critical for Employee and Business Success

June 15, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Business experts and leaders across the nation have been discussing digital transformation for decades, and with the recent coronavirus pandemic, organizations have had to adapt rather quickly to keep up with demand. The last few months have shown that technology […]

Research, Software

When Good Leaders Create Bad Results

February 18, 2019

Via: Entrepreneur

Ethical leadership is crucial for the success of a business. Unethical leaders ultimately end up hurting the long term success of the business for their own personal gain or for shorter term results. But a recent study out of Baylor […]