
Tag: consultation

Workplace wellness

Vaccine-or-Testing Mandate Expected Soon

October 25, 2021


The rule implementing President Joe Biden’s order for employers with at least 100 employees to mandate COVID-19 vaccination or weekly testing is likely to be released soon, prompting many employers to begin preparations. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration sent […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

How to Manage an Employee Who’s Been Demoted

August 11, 2021


Internal reorganizations are par for the course at many companies, and sometimes they mean pay reductions, title changes and shifts in employee responsibilities—all of which could feel like a demotion. In other workplaces, some employees may have been demoted due […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Feedback and Reviews Can Be Complicated in a Hybrid Workplace

July 14, 2021


As managers look to a post-pandemic workplace—and the likelihood of a mix of onsite and remote work—Brian Kropp is worried about the loss of the “serendipity moments” in offering feedback to workers. “Managers often give informal feedback walking out of […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Remote Work Relocation Causes Headaches for Managers

May 4, 2021


Michael Alexis first noticed that a handful of his employees had moved to vacation destinations after several months into the pandemic. Alexis, who is the CEO of TeamBuilding, a game company based in Washington state, was enthusiastic about the flexibility […]

Research, Software

Rapid Transition to Remote Work: What HR Needs to Know

December 17, 2020


Employees forced to start working remotely in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have adjusted well, according to research conducted in spring 2020 at the height of nationwide lockdowns. Asked to rate their adjustment on a scale of 1 to 5, […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Drive Team Performance Using Organizational Transformation

September 28, 2018


Employee engagement is one of the most differentiating factors between successful companies and those that never reach their potential. A recent study, “Measuring the Benefits of Employee Engagement” by MIT’s Sloan Review, found that, across the board “growth in profit […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development, Research, Software

Words of Wisdom: Loyalty Redefined

November 20, 2017


I began my HR career in the late 1970s armed with a newly minted MBA, a few hopes and dreams, and no real experience in corporate life. My first employer was a subsidiary of a large corporate conglomerate (at the […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Your Career Q&A: 5 Steps To Making Positive Changes in Your HR Department

September 12, 2017


Here’s what to do when you want to make big changes in your work group and you need to get everyone on board with your ideas. Best-selling author Martin Yate, a career coach and former HR professional, takes your questions […]