
Tag: HCM


Human Capital Management: Nurturing Talent for Organizational Success

August 10, 2023

Via: Caitlin Simmons

With the rising competitiveness of today’s job market, organizations recognize the paramount importance of their most valuable asset – their employees. Did you know that replacing an employee costs roughly about six to nine months of their salary? This means […]


Solving the Vexing Problem of HR’s ‘Lost Data’

August 22, 2022


As an HR professional, you’ve likely been in a frustrating scenario like this: You desperately need to locate an important document, piece of data or a report stored somewhere in your HR technology platforms. But you find yourself either striking […]


Guide to Choosing a New HCM System

February 28, 2022


There’s no technology-buying decision more consequential for HR departments than choosing a new human capital management (HCM) platform. These digital systems of record are the nerve center for employee data and have evolved to play a far broader role in […]


‘Overlay’ Tools Transform Existing HR Technologies

February 7, 2022


When Ellen Page determined the recruiting system that came packaged with her organization’s new human capital management (HCM) technology suite was falling short of expectations, she thought she’d have to live with the shortcomings for the life of the vendor […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

HR’s Dirty Little Secret Spotlighted By Human Capital Disclosure Rules

October 26, 2021

Via: HR Hero

When the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) amended its 10-K human capital management (HCM) disclosure requirement in 2020, the ostensible goal was to generate more insight into how companies approach, measure, and assess the contributions HCM makes to their […]