
Tag: how to


How to Build a Successful Remote Team

March 11, 2019

Via: Kelly Redmond

You probably already know that remote teams are on the rise, despite almost being unheard of 20 years ago. Take a look at these facts if you are not entirely convinced: a forecast of employment trends by the World Economic […]


How to Keep Millennial Employees Happy and Productive

March 1, 2018

Via: Natalie Dunn

Millennials. This mysterious new generation of employees scares HR managers, because their values seem hectic – to say the least. This generation has been more loved and pampered than all previous generations. Every milestone was marked with celebrations and praise. […]


Run Meetings Like a Pro

November 17, 2017

Via: Sofia Allende

It’s no secret that employees historically hate meetings. So much so actually that 46% would rather do anything else than attend a status meeting, according to a survey. In fact, 6% said they’d rather move to Antarctica, 8% would endure […]


Want a Raise? Here’s How to Get It

September 15, 2017

Via: Sofia Allende

When’s the right time to ask for a raise? How do you know you’re not asking for too much? Or too little? Afraid to ask your manager for a performance review? Then keep on reading. Everything you need to know […]


Useful HR Tips You Learn While Working in a Nonprofit

August 14, 2017

Via: Jacob Myers

People tend to overlook the importance of the experiences you go through in a nonprofit. During my college years, and for some time after, I was an active member (even leader at one point) in one of the most successful […]


How to build and ask the perfect interview questions

August 4, 2017

Via: Jacob Myers

Every company – no matter the size, looks for the best employees possible. It’s not just about the company functioning better, it’s about the costs as well. Engagement, recruitment, induction processes and other employee expenses require investments. In most cases, […]


How to jumpstart a great HR-Marketing collaboration

July 12, 2017

Via: William Palmer

Some HR professionals already started to transition to a hybrid position that requires both human resources and marketing skills. Well, to be fair, marketing has always been an important part of the HR processes. But do HR professionals really need […]


How to create PowerPoint presentations that will actually impress

June 19, 2017

Via: Jacob Myers

Let’s face it – most people still don’t master the art of creating a decent PowerPoint presentation. We’ve all seen our fair share of bad presentations that either had too much content, or just looked terrible, making them hard to […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

How to Deal with Difficult Employees

January 27, 2017

Via: Natalie Dunn

I’ve had my fair share of difficult employees throughout my career. Whether they’re going through a challenging time in their life, or they’re just more complicated than other people, some employees will always mess with that perfect team chemistry you’re […]

Communication, Software

How To: Running Effective One-On-One Meetings

September 22, 2016

Via: Blogging4Jobs

So you’ve heard about others doing one-on-ones. Some do a one-hour session every other week with each team member. Counting preparation time, one-on-ones would take up a significant part of your busy schedule. You ponder: Would all the hours be […]