
Tag: Requirements

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Loosen Up—You’ll Find More Candidates that Way!

July 30, 2019

Via: HR Hero

We get it, finding great workers these days is a struggle for many talent acquisition professionals—which is why some employers are now loosening their requirements to appeal to a wider talent pool. Don’t believe me? Then consider these findings from […]

Research, Software

Tips for Writing Job Descriptions That Will Attract the Best Candidates

February 25, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Writing a good job description is a lot more complex and important than it might appear. Whether you are expecting to receive a flood of applicants or going to be searching for just a few candidates, an effective description can […]


Complying with California’s Suitable Seating Requirements

November 30, 2018


California employers may be required to provide seating for all workers—even customer-facing employees, such as cashiers, greeters and tellers—but the standard for suitable seating depends on the particular workplace’s circumstances. Employers generally want workers to look approachable and may feel […]