
Tag: Behavior

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

How to Give Good Feedback on Goals

June 3, 2021

Via: HR Hero

Do your employees make quarterly or yearly goals? If so, you probably have a system in place whereby you or another employee meets with them to go over their goals. However, these meetings are probably pretty quick—after all, how can […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

How to Manage a Smart but Toxic Employee

March 2, 2021

Via: HR Hero

When you hire an employee, you hope the person will have a positive impact on your team. Unfortunately, there’s no way of knowing how things will really work out. For example, you may soon realize you have a smart but […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

It’s OK to Point Out Your Own Success When Leading by Example

February 19, 2021

Via: HR Hero

From an early age, most people learn to be humble. Those who brag about themselves and openly boast about their accomplishments are frequently looked down upon and considered arrogant. But as a manager, you’re likely to encounter situations when it’s […]

Workplace wellness

Is Your “Best” Employee Really Your Most Toxic?

February 17, 2021

Via: Entrepreneur

Do you want employees who will go above and beyond for your organization? You might be thinking this question is intended to be tongue-in-cheek. After all, the benefits of having proactive and dedicated employees are self-evident. Employees who are willing […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

What’s the Value of Negative Motivation?

December 21, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Whether it’s children, pets, or employees, most people are familiar with the two basic methods of motivation: positive and negative. One can either praise desirable behavior or punish undesirable behavior. The relative use of both has fluctuated over the years. […]

Communication, Software

Praise in Public; Criticize in Private

November 13, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Most managers have probably heard the phrase “praise in public; criticize in private.” It simply means that when you have something positive to say about a team member, make sure others are aware of the praise, but if you are […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Why Unconscious Bias Training May Not Help

October 8, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Unconscious bias training, also known as implicit bias training, is a means to help employees identify and understand the underlying biases we all harbor. The deeper intent behind the training is to help employees to improve their actions by recognizing […]

Research, Software

#MeToo’s Unexpected Consequence Regarding Sexual Harassment Discussions

April 22, 2020

Via: HR Hero

The #MeToo movement fundamentally changed the conversation around sexual harassment, misconduct, and assault in the United States and around the world. Before the start of the movement, such behavior was not accepted, but #MeToo brought a heightened sense of awareness […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development, Workplace wellness

Sexual Harassment Training Post #MeToo

March 19, 2020

Via: HR Hero

In 2017, America and the world saw the emergence of the #MeToo movement. In the wake of the headline-grabbing accusations against high-power movie executive Harvey Weinstein, the #MeToo movement led to hundreds of accusations of sexual misconduct, harassment, and assault […]

Workplace wellness

What to Consider Before Becoming a Pet-Friendly Workplace

March 9, 2020

Via: HR Hero

It’s no secret there’s a growing trend among companies to develop pet-friendly policies that allow employees to bring their favorite animals to work. The benefits of a pet-friendly workplace—often seen touted across social media—include increased productivity, retention, and well-being. Although […]

Workplace wellness

Protecting Against Workplace Bullying

November 12, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Recently, a manager named Carol told me she had been verbally attacked by another manager. The anger seemed to come out of nowhere. Carol asked a question, Mount Vesuvius erupted, and next thing she knew, she was covered in hot […]

Workplace wellness

Strategies to Reduce Workplace Bullying

October 10, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Workplace bullying is not condoned by employers. It not only creates a hostile working situation but also can create low morale, increased resentment, and increased turnover. It can decrease productivity and even negatively impact employees’ interactions with customers, potentially causing […]

Research, Software

What Are Jobseekers Hiding on Social Media?

September 12, 2019

Via: HR Hero

If you’re using social media to recruit jobseekers, be warned that these potential employees may be hiding things from you in order to seem like the ideal candidate. According to a new survey conducted by employment screening agency JDP, 43% […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

The Difference Between Awareness and Action in Training

July 23, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Training is often about conveying knowledge from one person or group to another, and that is reflected in the evaluation techniques often used when training—for example, written tests to discern the amount of knowledge retained. But these methods may miss […]

Development & Evaluation, Workplace wellness

How Your Organization’s Managers Can Build Trust

July 2, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Did you know that, according to research and data, 58% of people claim they trust strangers more than their bosses and that 58% of managers claim they never received any form of training to be managers or to help them […]

Workplace wellness

4 Ways to Coach the Uncoachable Employee

June 28, 2018

Via: Entrepreneur

Every manager encounters uncoachable employees or team members and unfortunately there are usually one or a few in every company. These uncoachable individuals will without a doubt, drain the company’s resources; including time, energy, and focus of the management team. […]

Research, Software

Is an Employee’s #MeToo Social Media Post a Harassment Complaint?

November 28, 2017

Via: Ere Media

In the wake of high-profile sexual harassment accusations in numerous industries, the #MeToo movement has taken off. As you know, the movement features everyday people — predominantly women — posting #MeToo on social media to indicate they were sexually harassed […]

Workplace wellness

How to Have a Recovery-Friendly Workplace

November 28, 2017

Via: Ere Media

Substance abuse in the workplace is a serious liability for employers. Every year in this country, drug and alcohol abuse are major contributors to workplace injuries and fatalities, plus they drain employee productivity and costs employers billions in lost productivity […]


Drones Are Coming. Here’s How to Be Ready

November 15, 2017

Via: Ere Media

A new employee may be joining your workplace soon – the drone pilot. “Pilot” may seem like a grandiose name for someone who operates a gadget the size of a toaster, but the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) considers them pilots […]

Research, Software

Halloween: The Scariest Time of the Year for HR

October 26, 2017

Via: Ere Media

There are two times a year I can think of that scare the bejesus out of HR people: Halloween and December. December because there’s a good chance someone — fingers crossed it’s not a boss — will party too hearty […]