
Tag: bias

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

How Retrospective Bias Impacts Recruitment

June 3, 2022

Via: HR Hero

When a position opens up, the goal of any hiring team is always to find the best candidate available to fill the role. However, when biases find their way into the hiring process this can prove to make the practice […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Are Your Job Postings Inclusive?

February 3, 2022

Via: HR Hero

In an earlier post, we discussed how to make your job post shine. But is your posting inclusive? We spoke with Katrina Kibben, Founder and CEO of Three Ears Media, to learn how to attract diverse talent. Because of the […]


Illinois Bias Law Now Covers Criminal Convictions

June 14, 2021

Via: HR Hero

Illinois employers now have yet another law to navigate. The state human rights statute now bans discrimination based on a candidate’s or employee’s criminal conviction unless the employer can show a “substantial relationship” exists between the conviction and the job […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Optimism Bias

May 24, 2021

Via: HR Hero

Popular culture is awash with overt and subconscious messages instructing us to think positively. From children’s stories about the “Little Engine that Could” and his mantra of “I think I can. I think I can” to self-help books for adults […]


Mutual Mistake Helps Ex-Employee’s Bias, Retaliation Claims Avoid Dismissal

April 9, 2021

Via: HR Hero

If a terminated employee signs a contract releasing all claims against you, she can’t sue you, right? Wrong. A new Missouri Court of Appeals decision illustrates the effect a mutual mistake by the parties can have on the enforceability of […]

Workplace wellness

Employer Defends Itself Against Bias, Harassment, and Retaliation Claims

November 9, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Some workplace cases provide multiple lessons about employment discrimination. Recently, the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals—which covers Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota—rendered a decision providing guidance on discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Facts In December […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Navigating D&I Blind Spots During the Hiring Process

August 13, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Blind spots are just that—unintentionally biased perspectives that we all have, but are unaware of, that can cause us to make decisions based on misconceptions. These feelings can cause organizations to miss out on top talent and can result in […]

Research, Software

DEI for All: How Big Data Is Eliminating Bias in the Workplace

August 12, 2020

Via: HR Hero

The term “shecession” started trending in April of this year because a majority of the jobs lost from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic were held by women, and it was coined by C. Nicole Mason of the Institute for […]


Here’s How to Better Manage Cognitive Biases at the Workplace

June 18, 2020

Via: Coraline Valiant

“Leaders need to correct for cognitive biases the way a sharpshooter corrects for wind velocity or a yachtsman corrects for the tide.” ―Paul Gibbons, The Science of Successful Organizational Change: How Leaders Set Strategy, Change Behavior, and Create an Agile […]

Research, Software

Rooting Out Racism in the Workplace: Focusing on Hiring, Culture a Way to Start

June 12, 2020

Via: HR Hero

When the video of George Floyd handcuffed on the ground with a white Minneapolis police officer’s knee on his neck went viral, public outrage included claims of systemic racism in many law enforcement agencies. Those claims didn’t start with Floyd’s […]

Research, Software

Recruiting During High Unemployment

April 2, 2020

Via: HR Hero

In the span of what feels like 2 seconds, we’ve gone from talking about how to recruit when unemployment is at a low not seen in decades to dealing with the possibility of mass layoffs. Employers are working to find […]

Research, Software

Artificial Intelligence: Supporting Ethics and Removing Bias Not a Priority for Executives

January 27, 2020

Via: HR Hero

We recently covered how artificial intelligence (AI) invites bias and what one developer is doing to stop it. The ethical issues AI raises, however, go far beyond bias-infused systems. A recent survey sought to understand the extent to which organizations […]

Research, Software

1 Thing You Can Count on in the Hiring Process: Bias

September 24, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Biases are like noses: We all have them. They impact our personal and professional lives, and despite attempts at avoiding biased decisions, we’re often unaware of our own biases, as many are unconscious. This is particularly problematic during the hiring […]

Research, Software

Workplace Investigations: Remove Bias and Ignore Your Gut

July 17, 2019

Via: HR Hero

As an HR manager, you’ve almost certainly had to do a workplace investigation. Employee A makes a complaint, saying that employee B did such and such. You talk to employee B, and he or she says that no such thing […]