
Tag: Connection

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Boosting Employee Socialization in a New Hybrid Work World

January 5, 2024

Via: HR Hero

The shift to remote work, accelerated by the global COVID-19 pandemic, has fundamentally altered the landscape of employee socialization. For remote workers, gone are the water-cooler chats, office pop-ins and hallway run-ins that spurred so much camaraderie and ad-hoc collaboration […]

Research, Software

Why Employers Should Stay Connected to Former Employees

August 21, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Organizations like Deloitte, SAP, and Dell are implementing alumni associations and ex-employee networks to stay connected to their “colleagues for life.” And as many as 22% of the more than 60 respondents to a Conenza survey claimed that they have […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Increase Employee Engagement with These Three Conversations

March 23, 2018

Via: TalentSpace Blog

Businesses with engaged employees perform better. In fact, companies that invest in employee engagement perform as much as 202 percent better than companies with low engagement. I found that tidbit in an article by Recruitment Advisor that says it’s the […]

Communication, Software

Reframing the Connection Between HR and Employees in Global Organizations

November 13, 2017

Via: Spark

With the rising number of organizations operating and conducting business in more than one country, today’s HR leaders face new challenges as they work to manage and develop globally dispersed employee populations. This shift has introduced complicating factors for workers […]