
Tag: employers

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Viewpoint: 9 Ways Employers Turn Off Talent

October 27, 2022


As a longtime HR professional, I’ve been on both sides of the job market: I’ve recruited for positions and been a job seeker. Over time, I’ve watched the process evolve from newspaper ads and paper applications to online job boards […]


3rd Cir. holds potential participants in class-action suits are protected from retaliation under FLSA

September 16, 2022

Via: HR Dive

The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed a district court’s ruling against an employee who was not hired for a job because the employer, natural gas company GDS, suspected he might plan to participate in a class-action Fair […]


Establish Employment Relationship Before Noncompete Agreement

June 30, 2022


A recent opinion from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, applying Louisiana’s restrictive law governing noncompetition agreements, reminds employers of the importance of establishing an employee-employer relationship before entering into noncompetition agreement. In Rouses Enterprises, LLC […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

A Good Mentor Can Keep Your Potential Jedis from Turning to the Dark Side

June 29, 2022

Via: HR Hero

As if that title didn’t give it away, I’m kind of a sci-fi nerd. I don’t speak Klingon and I’ve never watched a single episode of Dr. Who; but my current reading list includes a revisit of Foundation, I have […]


Small Employer’s FMLA Policy Did Not Obligate It to Provide Leave

May 3, 2022


An employee demoted after taking pregnancy leave could not prove Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) violations because her employer was too small for coverage, but could proceed to trial on other claims, the U.S. District Court for the Southern […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

How Employers Can Support Equal Pay

March 15, 2022

Via: Spark

As business leaders work to confront and overcome inequality and discrimination in the workplace, it’s essential to include compensation in the discussion. Pay equity is a key approach in combatting the age-old differences in the way people are treated at […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Workers want training, development, but few say their employers provide it

January 27, 2022

Via: HR Dive

The survey’s findings present an opportunity for employers given recent research into the talent attraction and retention benefits of a robust training and career development program. For instance, an October report published by TalentLMS analyzing the job preferences of technology […]


Employer settles claim it fired worker, advised she ‘focus on her health’

January 27, 2022

Via: HR Dive

The ADA prohibits employers with 15 or more employees from terminating an employee based on a real or perceived disability, which it defines as a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.” Employers can […]


Employers Warned of More Scrutiny as Agencies Team Up to Fight Retaliation

December 13, 2021

Via: HR Hero

An announcement from three federal agencies that they are aligning to protect employees who try to exercise their rights in the workplace means employers need to be especially on guard against actions that may be seen as unlawful retaliation. The […]


New York Employers Must Soon Provide Notice of Digital Workplace Monitoring

November 10, 2021


New York employers that monitor employees’ telephone calls, e-mails or internet use must soon provide written notice to employees. The change comes during an era where many employees are communicating with each other via digital means on a near-constant basis, […]


Some States Are Pushing Back on Workplace Vaccination Mandates

October 12, 2021


Leaders in some states are considering measures that would require employers to accept negative COVID-19 tests or proof of natural immunity as an alternative to vaccination requirements. On Oct. 11, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a broad executive order banning […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Employers Need to Be Ready for New Heat Measures From OSHA

September 28, 2021

Via: HR Hero

The season may have changed to fall, but the punishing summer heat can be expected to linger longer in many places around the country. Plus, indoor workplaces often pose heat risks year-round. That’s why the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Most Employers Lack a Pay Strategy for Remote Workers

September 22, 2021


Office workers are expecting increased workplace flexibility, in the form of fully remote or hybrid onsite/offsite work arrangements, to be an option when the pandemic ends, according to new research. Employers that don’t provide increased remote-work opportunities may find their […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Viewpoint: When Employers Fail to Designate FMLA Leave

September 22, 2021


Your employee, Johnny, takes a leave of absence because he stubbed his toe at work, resulting in a lengthy workers’ compensation absence. For one reason or another, Johnny’s one-week leave of absence turns into one month, then six months. One […]


New Jersey Marijuana Law Employment Provisions Take Effect

September 1, 2021


On Aug. 19, the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission issued long-awaited initial rules implementing the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act, which Gov. Phil Murphy signed on Feb. 22. The act legalizes the use of recreational […]


What Employees Must Show to Prove Title VII Claims Against Federal Employers

July 29, 2021

Via: HR Hero

Claims filed under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 require employees to demonstrate several specific elements to prove race discrimination, retaliation, hostile work environment, or constructive discharge by a federal employer. To be successful, they must show […]


New York Employers Must Act Immediately to Comply with HERO Act

July 28, 2021


New York employers must take immediate steps to comply with statutory requirements aimed at preventing the spread of infectious disease in the workplace. As previously reported, in May, New York state passed the NY HERO Act, which requires employers to […]


Study reveals experience gaps between ‘deskless’ workers, managers

May 28, 2021

Via: HR Dive

Even as employers embrace remote work — and by extension, hybrid work — managers will need to strategize around obstacles that inhibit employee engagement and experience. Research published last year by corporate training company VitalSmarts showed that employers may not […]


CDC relaxes mask guidance, but employers are left waiting on OSHA

May 14, 2021

Via: HR Dive

Fully vaccinated people can ditch their masks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Thursday. Does this mean workers can go barefaced? Not necessarily. The CDC’s directive came with a series of caveats, and there are several more factors […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Empathetic Workplaces Are Underpinning to Inclusiveness, Equity

March 15, 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic has had an outsized impact on women in the workplace, making it more challenging for women with caregiving responsibilities to be successful at work, and causing many to voluntarily exit the workforce, said Emily M. Dickens, chief […]