
Tag: hourly workers

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Developer Turned HR Brings Critical Skills to Bear

January 22, 2021

Via: HR Hero

There are so many paths to HR, and each brings with it a different set of strengths and skills that can complement the people-oriented role. Today’s guest began in IT as a developer. His time in that field has helped […]

Research, Software

Hourly Workers Do Not Understand the Difference Between W-2 and 1099 Classifications

January 27, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Late last year, California passed Assembly Bill 5—otherwise known as AB5—that makes it harder to classify workers as independent contractors. The new law, which is currently on hold pending on the outcomes of several lawsuits filed by California businesses, would […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Do You Understand What Your Hourly Workers Need for Success?

October 28, 2019

Via: HR Hero

Setting workers up for success should be at the forefront of every leader’s mind, but many workers feel their company doesn’t know what they want or need in order to succeed—and we’re not talking about success on the job (more […]

Workplace wellness

Hourly Worker Burnout Is a Major Problem. Stop Overlooking It

October 22, 2019

Via: Workforce

When you hear the word “burnout” in the context of the workforce, a specific image comes to mind. You might picture a lawyer or consultant logging 80 hours a week and managing high-intensity clients, pushed over the edge by a […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Hiring Hourly Workers Ahead of the Holiday Rush

October 1, 2019

Via: HR Hero

I hate to be “that guy,” but the holiday season is quickly approaching. Have you hired your temporary staff yet? I know, I know, Halloween is over a month away, and the kids just went back to school, but if […]

Research, Software

7 Types of Recruiting AI That Will Speed Up Your Hiring Process

September 9, 2019

Via: HR Hero

A candidate-driven market means jobseekers are in the driver’s seat when choosing where and when they work. To appeal to all jobseekers, have a speedy hiring process to attract top talent. As jobseekers continue to call the shots, a speedy […]

Research, Software

Can My Employer Change Me from Hourly to Salary?

July 23, 2019

Via: Evil HR Lady

I woke up this morning to three emails from people asking essentially the same question: Can my manager stop paying me overtime by declaring that I’m a salaried employee? While giving an entirely correct answer would involve looking carefully at […]

Research, Software

Half of retail, hospitality workers still deal with paper schedules

February 4, 2019

Via: HR Dive

The financial precarity of the hourly workforce has been at the fore of collective conversations this year, with 19 states instituting wage hikes in 2019. Last month, New Jersey lawmakers agreed to increase the state’s minimum wage to $15 per […]