5 ways to improve inclusivity for people with disabilities

5 ways to improve inclusivity for people with disabilities

October 30, 2018

Via: HR Dive

WASHINGTON — Most employers are forgetting a talent pool that holds millions of people. This pool has gone largely untapped, however.

“We all know how tight the labor market is in this country. So why aren’t employers hiring people with disabilities?” Georgetown University Professor Bill Novelli asked those attending a one day conference, Uniting New and Emerging Leaders: Best Practices on Employing People with Disabilities.

“As a nation, we need to do something about all this. We need to act,” Novelli, who founded Georgetown’s Global Social Enterprise Initiative, said. “How do you build a workplace that’s welcoming for all?” Business leaders from organizations like Bank of America, Ernst & Young, Starbucks and Walgreens shared initiatives that have allowed them to expand their employee pools.

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