
Tag: Accountability


How AI Is Being Used to Increase Transparency and Accountability in the Workplace

November 7, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

In an age where information flows freely but trust seems to be dwindling, transparency within organizations has never been more critical. It’s the cornerstone of trust, collaboration and meaningful engagement among employees, clients and stakeholders. However, achieving complete transparency is […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Coaching Remote Employees

December 10, 2021

Via: HR Hero

The case for coaching has been made. Coaching is recognized as a critical competency for leaders from organizations of all sizes and industries. Today, and into the foreseeable future, one of the most important priorities for leaders at all levels […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

3 Ways Coaching Can Help Managers Boost Accountability in a Hybrid (or Any) Workplace

September 2, 2021

Via: HR Hero

One way to describe coaching is the practice of helping others do three things: Make decisions, commit to actions, and deliver results. To me, the whole purpose of coaching is to support people in being accountable to themselves by doing […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Encouraging Ownership

April 28, 2021

Via: HR Hero

One of the buzzwords in many leadership and management circles is “ownership.” Companies want their employees to take ownership of their assignments, projects, teams, responsibilities, corporate goals, etc. When companies say this, they mean they want employees to be accountable […]


Survey: Many HR Leaders Report to Head of Organization

April 19, 2021


The head of HR at many organizations reports directly to the chief executive officer, president or owner, according to a new examination of the HR reporting structure. A smaller number report to the chief financial officer and chief operating officer […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation, Software

Viewpoint: 5 Tips for Managing an Underperformer Remotely

January 26, 2021


While a majority of employers believe that that their employees will return to their workplaces after Covid-19’s impact diminishes, working from home isn’t going to disappear. The reality is that a huge number of people were already working from home […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Engagement—Nature or Nurture?

May 1, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Employee engagement is a loosely defined term. Enter it into a search engine, and you are likely to come up with as many definitions as search results. But we know that employee engagement is key to businesses’ success and can […]


Addressing workplace conflicts in 7 steps

April 10, 2020

Via: Diana Beverly Ross

“Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.” (Patrick Lencioni) What Is Workplace Conflict? At a first search on the web about workplace conflict, […]

Research, Software

What is the Accountability Gap?

November 15, 2019

Via: HR Hero

What is an accountability gap, and why should HR leaders care about it? An accountability gap is a way to describe someone should be doing something, but they’re not being held accountable for doing it for one reason or another. […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

How Learning Leaders Can Create Accountable Cultures to Drive High Performance

March 13, 2019

Via: Chief Learning Officer

Accountability is all the rage. Everyone believes it’s a key competency either leading them to or keeping them from success. And yet, most struggle to not only define it but to actually implement it into their culture. You might be […]

Research, Software

First Impressions: Nearly Half of Employers Know if a Candidate Is a Good Fit within the First 5 Minutes

March 9, 2018

Via: HR Hero

Acing an interview is an important step in landing a job, but it’s no easy feat, and your time to show yourself off is limited. According to a new CareerBuilder survey conducted by The Harris Poll, around half of employers […]

Research, Software

Avoid or Embrace Accountability?

September 6, 2017

Via: Chief Learning Officer

At the heart of running learning with business discipline is the notion of accountability. In its simplest form accountability implies two things. You create a plan for the coming year or for your project. The plan needs to contain SMART […]