
Tag: CEOs

Communication, Development & Evaluation

What CEOs Want from CHROs

February 21, 2022

Via: HR Exchange Network

The relationship between Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) is transforming along with everything else in the workplace. CHROs are gaining influence in the C-suite as organizations position themselves for success in the post-pandemic world. The […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Doug Conant: How CEOs and HR Can Work Together Successfully

February 18, 2022


Doug Conant has served as president of Nabisco and chairman of Avon Products and is a New York Times bestselling author. A widely recognized speaker, he founded ConantLeadership, a mission-driven community of leaders. But Conant is best known for his […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

A Talent Churn Is Coming: How Can Companies Prepare for It?

July 6, 2021

Via: HR Hero

While the job market continues to fluctuate, there’s one trend that’s picking up speed: employee turnover. A March 2021 survey from Morning Consult and Prudential found that 26% of respondents plan to look for a new employer once “the threat […]


Data Show Disconnect Between Executives and Staff with Respect to Communication and Engagement

March 15, 2021

Via: HR Hero

The cliché of the disconnected CEO and executive team is more or less accurate depending on the size of an organization and how hierarchical it is; but in general, it’s usually fair to say that CEOs and other company leaders […]

Research, Software

What Is Cluster Hiring?

February 6, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Cluster hiring is the process of hiring new employees in groups rather than individually. This concept has become a common practice for universities and academia across the nation to help boost diverse hiring needs, but could this hiring process work […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Improving Employee Relations Must Be a Priority

November 27, 2019

Via: HR Hero

A recent study found something very surprising: Nearly half of employees do not know their coworkers’ names. There are many excuses for this, including that some employees work remotely or in a different location or you work with so many […]

Research, Software

CEOs and HR: Then and Now

March 21, 2018

Via: HR Examiner

In 2013 I wrote a pretty popular piece on my blog titled, Memo to HR. It was about how CEOs were stepping up and owning talent- and culture-related progress in their organizations – and HR needed to be prepared. Recently, […]

Research, Software

This Is What Employees Believe Makes a Great Leader

August 24, 2016

Via: Entrepreneur

If you want your employees to like you, start by giving them more and giving yourself less. Today, Glassdoor has released findings from a study designed to pinpoint What Makes a Great CEO? The researchers examined how employees evaluate various […]