
Tag: Change Management


Barclays cuts 5,000 jobs worldwide

January 9, 2024

Via: Personnel Today

According to Sky News, a quarter of the headcount reduction in 2023 took place in the UK. Jobs were cut through a combination of redundancies, a hiring freeze and decisions not to fill vacant positions. Barlcays, which says it employs […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

A third of employees ‘excited’ about the future of work

December 5, 2023

Via: Personnel Today

In partnership with futurist Tracey Follows, its research found that 36% of workers are concerned about the impact of technological changes and what they might mean for them, and over a quarter (27%) feel they can’t keep up with the […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

‘Talent density’ and employee development vital for HR and change management

October 2, 2023

Via: HRD America

It was a mentorship at Apple Inc. that started Reddit VP of HR Business Partnerships Delecia Krevet on her career path, but there have been highlights along the way that inform her present role meeting the challenges of an ever-shifting […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Employee turnover: Learn to calculate and improve yours

January 31, 2023

Via: HRD America

Having a high employee turnover rate can be a huge problem for any business. As many companies are going through the Great Resignation, it is crucial for employers to calculate the company’s turnover rate and understand how it is affecting […]


SHRM 2022 Recap: HR’s New Role in the World of Work

June 28, 2022

Via: HR Hero

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) hosted its annual conference and expo in New Orleans June 12–15. HR professionals, executives, managers, and students gathered from all over the country to connect and learn together. Over 200 sessions provided expert […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

How to Manage an Employee Who’s Been Demoted

August 11, 2021


Internal reorganizations are par for the course at many companies, and sometimes they mean pay reductions, title changes and shifts in employee responsibilities—all of which could feel like a demotion. In other workplaces, some employees may have been demoted due […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

As You Iterate, Don’t Leave Great Employees Behind

July 15, 2021

Via: HR Hero

Companies change at a breakneck pace. Concepts like failing fast and being agile are being espoused by more organizations than ever, and for good reason. That type of thinking is how organizations can grapple with the ever-changing landscape of their […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Feedback and Reviews Can Be Complicated in a Hybrid Workplace

July 14, 2021


As managers look to a post-pandemic workplace—and the likelihood of a mix of onsite and remote work—Brian Kropp is worried about the loss of the “serendipity moments” in offering feedback to workers. “Managers often give informal feedback walking out of […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Remote Work Relocation Causes Headaches for Managers

May 4, 2021


Michael Alexis first noticed that a handful of his employees had moved to vacation destinations after several months into the pandemic. Alexis, who is the CEO of TeamBuilding, a game company based in Washington state, was enthusiastic about the flexibility […]

Communication, Software

Change Management Resource Guide for HR Leaders

February 16, 2021

Via: Blogging4Jobs

As the spotlight shines a bit brighter on HR after a chaotic year, making sure that leaders can handle, process, and embrace change is essential. If we know one thing for certain, it’s that change isn’t going away. Change Management […]

Research, Software

Rapid Transition to Remote Work: What HR Needs to Know

December 17, 2020


Employees forced to start working remotely in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have adjusted well, according to research conducted in spring 2020 at the height of nationwide lockdowns. Asked to rate their adjustment on a scale of 1 to 5, […]

Workplace wellness

Implementing Change Management Processes

January 7, 2020

Via: HR Hero

Having worked in change management for a decade, I often find that change can come across as “fluffy” or “esoteric” or be dismissed as a “nice to have.” While many experts cite different methodologies and frameworks, I find the most […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Learn to Innovate, Lead, and Embrace Change

May 29, 2019

Via: HR Hero

There has been a century of expected compliance by workers to do their jobs a certain way, so we are all expected to keep up! The new model for employee development will be a recognition that each person offers a […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Help Set Performance Goals for Employees

April 8, 2019

Via: Spark

Effective employee goal setting can take several forms. We often talk about performance goals for employees only in the context of an annual performance review. We rate and categorize employees, set new goals, and then we forget about it all […]

Research, Software

Working with Operations to Maximize the Benefits of HR

February 4, 2019

Via: Spark

Working with operations is at the core of human resources effectiveness. In a high-performing organization, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) is typically responsible for everything the company does, while the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) is accountable for the human […]

Research, Software

Is Management Making Your Organization Dumber?

October 26, 2018

Via: HR Hero

Stepping out the door, you glance across the parking lot in the general direction of your car. A quick check of the time shows 2:27 p.m. You need to be on the road by 2:30 to reach your destination on […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

Drive Team Performance Using Organizational Transformation

September 28, 2018


Employee engagement is one of the most differentiating factors between successful companies and those that never reach their potential. A recent study, “Measuring the Benefits of Employee Engagement” by MIT’s Sloan Review, found that, across the board “growth in profit […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Employee Turnover: HR Compliance for Business Owners

May 24, 2018

Via: Spark

Voluntary employee turnover and necessary staff termination are difficult for business owners and HR. As Biz Journals notes, this process can also lead to potential liability, especially if compliance issues aren’t properly addressed. Turnover Trouble According to ADP’s new eBook […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development, Research, Software

Words of Wisdom: Loyalty Redefined

November 20, 2017


I began my HR career in the late 1970s armed with a newly minted MBA, a few hopes and dreams, and no real experience in corporate life. My first employer was a subsidiary of a large corporate conglomerate (at the […]

Workplace wellness

Humans of HR: Recruiting in a Multi-Location Workplace

October 20, 2017

Via: Spark

Melanie Wiegert is an HR manager with extensive experience working for organizations that employ a large number of remote employees. But with such a far-reaching employee base, it can be tough to create a cohesive recruiting experience. Here, Melanie talks […]