The Employee Experience Is As Important As the Customer Experience

The Employee Experience Is As Important As the Customer Experience

June 21, 2016

Via: Ere Media

First of all I just want to say thank you for this amazing opportunity. I have learned a lot and I am still learning. The past 5 months have been life changing. By working here it has really boosted my self-confidence and gave me the courage that no matter what size I am, I can do anything. I just want to thank you for being patient with me and not getting upset when I make a mistake and for working with me step by step. I am so grateful; I love coming to work every day. Thank you for everything. XXXXXX is my 2nd home.

The manager who shared this with me was in tears as she told me the story. This was an employee that she said “she took a chance on.” She told me that in 5 months on the job this worker has out worked and out hustled all the others on the team. Although being paid little more than minimum wage, she is thankful for her new job.

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