
Tag: feedback

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Managers receive little feedback on their performance: Gallup

May 28, 2024

Via: HR Dive

For its analysis, Gallup organized responses by perspective: where employees and managers agreed on strengths and weaknesses and where they disagreed. The global analytics and advisory firm surveyed more than 15,000 adults, including over 2,500 managers. Employees and managers agreed […]


Trying to retain talent in 2024? Discover Adam Grant’s Top Five Strategies for Talent Retention

January 26, 2024

Via: Camila Mendes

A Fortune 40 under 40 with a slew of bestseller books, an iconic TED Talk, and even a number two ranking in the category of “world’s most influential management thinkers”. Adam Grant has developed a well-deserved reputation as the leading […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

5 tips to better manage difficult performance conversations

December 28, 2023

Via: HR Dive

Research conducted among hybrid teams shows that one-third of U.S. hybrid workers would like more one-on-one time with their managers to get feedback on their performance. This is all very well when feedback is positive; however, critical feedback is something […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

3 Ways Emotional Intelligence Can Improve Leadership

November 8, 2023

Via: HR Hero

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees started to see work culture in a new light. We saw the Great Resignation and later the birth of quiet quitting culture. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Giving Feedback: Pack It with Nutritional Value

April 24, 2023


You’re lying in bed, inwardly cringing as you think about having that conversation tomorrow—where you’ll have to tell an employee to her face that her work is subpar and corrective measures are needed. “Those conversations are what make people nervous […]

Development & Evaluation, Engagement

How executives can build stronger connections with front-line workers

March 24, 2023

Via: HRD

Executives looking to build stronger connections with front-line workers need to put themselves in their employees’ shoes. “Leaders who show a genuine, continuing interest in understanding their employees’ roles and needs tend to develop the strongest relationships with their employees,” […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

360 Degree Feedback: A Comprehensive Guide

March 10, 2023

Via: Recruiting Headlines

With 360-degree feedback, employees get valuable input from multiple directions about what they’re like to work with. Instead of being limited to the perception or bias of a direct supervisor, they receive a broader and more balanced viewpoint. Realizing that […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Adjusting to the New Performance Needs and Expectations of Today’s Workers

February 9, 2023

Via: HR Hero

The end of the year is a busy time for most organizations. The end of the calendar year is also often the end of the budget year, the fiscal year (or at least a fiscal quarter) and the end of […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

Employees want change — and feedback may be part of that

January 10, 2023

Via: HR Dive

As workplace innovation continues to move rapidly in the wake of the pandemic, employee expectations for change and adaptability extend also to employee feedback, according to a report released Jan. 3 by ADP. Workers say they want work to be […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Effectiveness

November 9, 2022

Via: HR Hero

We’ve all been in a position where our technical skills helped us get a promotion. But you also need the emotional element if you want to hold a better leadership position, as it enables you to connect with others, offer […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

The Most Effective 4-Step Feedback System for Leaders and Entrepreneurs

May 3, 2022

Via: Entrepreneur

The life of a business leader or entrepreneur is akin to running an obstacle course in the middle of an earthquake and a tornado all at once. To say that there is huge uncertainty, risk and an ever-changing landscape, would […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

How to overcome employee resistance to DEI efforts

November 23, 2021

Via: HR Dive

We live in politically charged times, with a misperception emerging that diversity, equity and inclusion efforts are part of a political agenda. But DEI is politically agnostic. Why? Because the focus is on basic life principles, like how we understand […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

Take the Fear out of Feedback

September 22, 2021


The ability to give feedback is a superpower. Little nuggets of feedback can change lives. But the word “feedback” has a negative connotation, perhaps because not many people are comfortable giving it. One mistake many managers make when giving feedback […]


How to Avoid Discrimination When Using AI

September 21, 2021


Given the prevalence and rising use of artificial intelligence for customer service, feedback and general information, it’s no surprise that HR teams are adopting AI-driven bots for workplace communication. Companies are embracing bot tools as time and money savers to […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

How to Manage Career Development in Low-Skill Jobs

August 11, 2021


The entry-level jobs with the Green Group, a collection of lawn care providers across the United States, are hourly, part-time, seasonal jobs that might involve aerating and seeding lawns. But the paycheck isn’t the only benefit. The Raleigh, N.C.-based company […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

How Managers Can Encourage Employees to Give Honest Feedback

August 6, 2021


For managers, improving or growing as a professional destined for bigger and better roles requires feedback. And this feedback shouldn’t just come from a manager’s supervisors, but from her employees as well. The problem is that the higher up the […]

Communication, Development & Evaluation

A Different Way of Asking for Feedback

April 22, 2021

Via: HR Hero

When children proudly show a drawing to their parents, the universal reaction is one of praise and adoration. Parents don’t typically provide critical feedback like “That doesn’t look like me” or “Trees are supposed to be green.” The primary goal […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee development

How Performance Evaluations Are Changing in a Remote Work Environment

April 16, 2021

Via: HR Hero

Employees of companies that have shifted to a remote work model in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have had their professional lives turned upside down in many important respects. It’s harder to communicate and collaborate with colleagues; they may be […]

Development & Evaluation, Employee retention

Utilizing Employee Engagement Surveys

April 15, 2021


Employee engagement surveys have been used in organizations for decades, some more successfully than others. Depending on the employees’ feedback—and, frankly, on the percentage of completed surveys—surveys are a tremendously effective way to understand how engaged the workforce is and […]


This Entrepreneur Says It’s Time for Performance Reviews to Get a Complete Makeover

April 2, 2021

Via: Entrepreneur

Organizations are made up of people, not tasks, not tickets, and certainly not #channels. So when looking to improve operational performance, why is there a tendency to start with “productivity tools” that focus on the outputs? This article is a […]